Must Vent - Going to Blow Artery... | Arthritis Information





I'm at work. I've been at work since 10am. NO ONE has been nice to me. *NO ONE* I have been nothing but cheerful and nice, and I've gotten absolutely REAMED today. They always tell us to kill 'em with kindness, but at this point I'm just ready to KILL EM!

The guy that sent me over the edge was the dude who said our bar tender was racist because he got CARDED. :| Is he SERIOUS?!?!? Everyone gets carded!! PUH-LEASE.

There have been SO many others like that today, who have gotten down right UGLY in our faces, it just makes you sick after a while. I get really tired of people treating me like I'm some chaimber maid who's only here to answer to their every whim.



I *DO* love my job though. I just have bad days. Bleh. This is one! I love it when we get people staying here for anniversaries, and birthdays, etc etc. We always suprise them with a card and chocolates and it's SO GREAT to see their faces when they come back from their room, and they've seen that we care. :) We really do. 99% of the time we are all smiling and having a blast here....but it can't be peaches and cream all the time.

I just needed to vent!!! :) THANKS!! :)

Happy Easter. I hope your evening will be better than your day has been.

Thank you Lovie. :)

I don't mind the rare day that everyone drives me bananas, but it's a HOLIDAY! Ya know??? I came in all chipper and ready for everyone else to be sharing the holiday goodness......and I got shafted. BLEH!



I DID, however, get a free WONDERFUL dessert........hahahaha Always an up side!

Ahhhhh.....not fare! Ya know, sometimes I think it is because everyone is on the "high" of a holiday, they want everyone to wait on them hand and foot and "treat them" like kings and queens.

I feel for ya I really do, been there, am there quite often actually...try living with  your mom, well actually my mom, somedays it is impossible, somedays she is impossible an dit will only get worse as she ages and for her surgery soon.I know what ya mean. I have vente dhere many -a -time concerning the same thing......

I have no advice, sure wished I did though.

GIVE "EM HELL! ( Not a nice thing for me to say on Easter huh?, I will throw in an extra prayer like the "cabel guy" does!)


Yep, my advice is :

GIVE "EM HELL! It is Easter and yes you want them to be "MERRY SUNSHINE"


Dear Lord Jesus in Heaven, please excuse me for them there cussin' words.................... and please make the mean people nice.




I'm going to remain as sweet as I can. That's why I vented here. LOL Cause so many of us work, so I KNEW you all would know what I was talking about.

The thing that really sucks is that I *was* having a great RA day...but it's gone downhill quickly since people started yelling at me. I really think my mood affects it sometimes. My shoulder is a MESS again. Maybe when I'm upset, my posture suffers? It would make sense. Only one more hour, and I can go home for my "weekend" :)


I do hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter!!!!

Oh, and please do not have arriscolwell blow an artery here on this Easter Sunday .....

Stress will do it to ya eeeevvveeerrryyyy time. I have to do shoulder and neck excercise , twice daily or else my back and neck are all messed up.

I don't get it why people have to be such grumps....I need to rey to do that more often so I can "get the feel for it".....

lol.kidding..........just kidding.

I have to get back to this household work junk...I am the modern day Cinderella ya and scrub, work and scrub..........



Oh Katie, I know where you're coming from. Working in customer service was a love/hate relationship for me. When they were good it was wonderful but when they were bad, it was horrid. I could let one bad customer ruin my whole day. I never was able to overcome that. But even to this day, I'd love to be back working with people again, in some type of service. I love helping people. But sometimes they're just not very appreciative. Keep holding your head up. You're a good employee. A joy to them as you are to us. Your company should be thanking their lucky stars they have you. And I believe you are making a good impression on the people who come through there. Forget the rude ones. They don't deserve anything more.I've learned how to get past that "one guest" and the days usually come out fine. For some reason today though, ALL the guests were "that one"

Grrrr. I wonder...was it the full moon!??!

Laughing always helps in situations like this! I too know about the customer service crap. I was a bill collector for 13 years. Now ya don't feel so bad do ya? LOL!

I was cussed at and hung up on constantly.... while still trying to be helpful and smile:)

Comedy helps me! A good laugh will break any stressful day down and bring in the peace.

Good luck!

LOL I am SO sorry!!!!! That's one of those jobs that you just say "well, SOMEONE has to do it" !!!!!! Glad you found humor!! OMG how did you do that?  A bill must have the patience of a saint and the skin as thick as an elephants lol. 

Happy Easter, Katie (and everyone else),

Hope you are home now, enjoying your "week-end". I'm sure it was the stress of the grumps that got your shoulder hurting.

Try to rest now and enjoy!

Much love,



The first few years were in medical collections, then to car loans, and last was Caterpillar equipment.  I tried to teach them about their loans and let them know the consequences of not paying rather than being nasty. It was rough!!!! I loved CAT though! If I had not gotten sick I would still be there. It was the hardest job ever but the pay was great! 3 weeks vacation and immediate ins day 1-- it was unheard of! Wish I was still there... although in the end, the stress was too much. I was taking away machines that ran companys and effected many lives. It became too much after a miscarriage. I had to quit.

I find ripping into the occassional customer helps!!

Seriously though, I have worked in retail 7 years and I always find that the less I say to customer, the better.

Remember, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT make eye contact with mean customers! LOL

I am sorry that you are having a bad day. Please feel better!!

"The customer is always right" No matter how wrong they are.

I agree full heartedly with "agreeing with them". Plus, arguing is really tough on the nervous system and the blood pressure. Better to remain healthy I always say. Besides, as stated, they typically just want the argument.

I learned a long time ago, life is too short to argue....does that make me a passive person? Maybe, but I have to think about myself and my health, plus I always had to worry about the kids, woudl arguing teach them anything? Better to problem solve in a civil manner.

Hope your day is better than yesterday!


