Roxy!! Worried!! | Arthritis Information


Roxy!! I'm so worried about you.  You poor baby going throught all of this with everyything else going on in your life.  It's hard to be strong all the time so just let yourself rest in the Lords hands.  Let me know if you have any prayer requests.  In the meantime I will be keeping you in my prayers.  Let me know if there is anything I can do on my end to help, k?

Luv ya


Tara,  You have always been such a sweetheart.  I am pretty much taking it easy but my RA is better the last couple days and that is bliss.  I cannot imagine having to deal with a flare right now.  Don't worry about me.  We all do the best we can, I am who I am and I work hard at being kind and honest.  People like me or don't like me.  You Tara, are so darn lovable, everyone has to love you and if you want to make me feel better, come up and visit.  We will do some bad girl stuff like go to a thrift store or something - LOL.  PS  All kidding aside - prayers are appreciated.  I really really want to live.  I like my life.  I am ashamed I have complained about it so much.  I get knocked down and God picks me right back up.  I had no idea it would feel so much better with Brett gone.  I was so afraid of being alone.  It has made Kelsey and I closer and made us talk about what might happen if I die.  She is so funny - she says she does not worry to much because she knows I will be watching her and she will talk to me and when she dies - we will meet in heaven