What the... | Arthritis Information


...heck did Roxy ever do to deserve the bashing she has gotten today? 

Lets clean this place up and cut out the personal attacks on others.

Thanks Pammy.

Please can we use a MY SPACE page to follow some people's personal drama they chose to live.

I have posted questions over the last 4 years and recieved no support, but if I posted a subject "Roxy" look at all the views and responses. Is this what the forum should be about???

But what the heck after all these years people have finally replied to me!!!

Yes, i think we should focus on our RA on this board that is what it is here for but i also think sometimes we need to forget that we are sick sometimes and post a random post that has nothing to do w/ RA or whatever other form we may have.  I have been comming here for a year in a half and i have NEVER seen the board get out of hand like it has in the past few months.  Did we all have are little tifs or arugments sure but we all respected eachothers opinoin because that was what we did.  We were ALL friends. We didnt question anothers diagnosis of ANYTHING.   There has been many times where i have wanted to quit comming on here for the fact that im sick of the drama.  I have enough drama in my life, i dont need more.  But then i remember why i came on this board in the first place.  Just becaue im not a newbie to this disease i still need the same support that i came here for a year in a half ago and im sure that i why all of you have come on this board.  I have met so many amazing people on here that i hope i will have lasting friendships with.  I have also learned so much from EVERYONE on here, those that are new and old to this diesease.  Im sure we are all stressed out wether it be from RA or everything else that comes at us on a day to day basis. But we have to remember that we are all here for the same reason, we cannot take our daily problems out on others.  You wouldnt want it done to you why would you do it to others? 

Lovie, i just wanted to say a quick thing to you.. You are such an amazing person.  Though your advice comes across strong, you say it like it is and you are honest about it all.  Thank you for all that you contribute here.


This was the first board I came to when I was diagnosed last year. I was so happy here I never even thought of going to other boards. If someone posted something I wasn't interested in I passed it on by. Just like television. Until recently, for me anyway, this was a fairly happy place. What is the big deal about someone posting off subject? We have RA. We have issues directly related to RA that we post about. I'll admit it, right now everything in my life revolves around RA. I hope someday it won't be this way. I PRAY it won't. Can't you just skip the subject's you're not interested in?

The stress RA causes in our lives manifests itself in many ways and affects all areas of our lives.  RA does not define us.  Damn, we can barely define RA.  We can't compartmentalize our lives.  Everything affects our RA and our RA affects everything else.  Stress affects flares, flares affect stress levels.  Situations all roll together to combine until sometimes we don't know which started first, sort of like the chicken and the egg.  RA   IS our drama, it makes itself felt in all areas of our lives.   Therefore we have a right to speak about the area of our lives that RA is affecting at any given time.  We can also speak about the way different areas of our lives are affecting our RA at any given time. 

I think that you will agree that most of the responses in the Roxy post were in support of Roxy and asking that she not be attacked in such a way.  If we don't feel that we can trust those on this board to accept us when we share things then people will not share and we can not help to the best of our ability.  Feeling as if we will be attacked by our friends makes friendship very shallow.  Friendship means trusting people to accept us, warts and all.  Friendship is what a support group is all about.  RA is a major part of life for us.  That is why we are here. To talk to others who deal with this disease everyday just like we do.  Its all about SUPPORT.  Whether we are posting about nodules, or swelling, or pain, or meds, or cranky teenagers, or non-understanding partners, or dogs that puke on the kitchen floor.  All we want is support and friendship. 

 Like I said in another post if we only post RA information we might as well check out a medical dictionary.  The more we know about each others situations, the more we can support each other.  If you don't want to get involved in others lives as a support, then like I said, check out a dictionary.  It might not give you as personal information as you are looking for but hey, there won't be any drama to complain about.

Pammy, I wish I could talk like you.

Daisy; if you've been coming here 4 years; why does your thing say you joined in November? Are you another one of our ghost writers? I think the problem is that some people are a little sensative to the fact that there are a lot of "Friendships" here and there are few that feel "Left out". I've heard repeatedly lately "That if you aren't part of "The Group" then you get attached". Well duh; when you post the type things you post.....people will attach you. IF you had posted your insensative question to Roxy under the name you originally joined as wonder what type of response you would have gotten then? I imagine it would have been very simular. It's just uncalled for. And if you have indeed just joined here since November you've got a lot of nerve to come here and try to tell the people that have been here and active for a very long time to change the way things are done. Maybe if all you want to hear about is RA and a discussion of symptoms then maybe a place like the Arthritis Foundation would be better for you.

I'm not in daily misery from RA. I've spent years battling it and I'm now at a point where I manage very well. At times the experience I have is useful to those just starting. I hope that at times I can help some people with the knowledge I have. I also like to hear about other things.

If you know that Roxy's threads are full of drama and you don't have the stomach for it....just skip it. Why get involved? I think you are just jealous of the support she gets from many. How sad for you.

Thank you for saying that Shannon. Often the things I say don't come out with Sugar all over them....but they are meant in honest friendship. They aren't meant to hurt anyone.....and I think that's the difference in some of what I post and some of the hurtful things others post. I'm glad that it's recognized at that. Often I do fear someone will take things the wrong way.

AND; for anyone that wants to be part of "The Group" all you have to do is join in. Be here.....comment, encourage......and stay respectful of others. This group that some outsiders refer to is not a group of people that have been here for years and has thousands of post beside their names. This group these outsiders refer to are not made up of the mods at Sushi. This group is made up of people just like you and me that want a place to come where there are people who share simular challanges in life. All of our challenages are not solely made up of RA issues. Their all around life issues. Someones having a new Grandbaby! Someones started a new medication, any suggestions? Someones broken a foot. Someones had a stroke. Someones going through a divorce. Someones gotten a dx. Someones child is graduation. Quite often the subject line will be a good indicator of what it's about. If you aren't interested in someones new Grandmother news.....don't click there. Post, be friendly......be quite.....be respectful; almost anything goes. YOU'RE IN! That's all there is to it. It's not complicated. Not everyone will respond directly to you everytime. Try not to let that offend you. If you feel the need to post something ugly just to get responses then it's likely you will soon feel that you are not part of the "group" and you will likely be right.

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