Cosmetic Surgery and MTX | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had any cosmetic (facial ) procedures while on MTX? I called today about  a hyaluronic acid filler and was told I would have to be off MTX for at least six months due to the chance of infection. This blew my mind!  I have sheduled an appoitnment for any eyelift consult on the 13th and wonder what news this will bring.

Like the MTX hasn't taken enough away as it is - my hair, my social habits, the day I have the grueling headache after I take it.... I was a l quite shocked. I was thinkng maybe off of it for aweek or two at the most! It has given me some relief so I can't do all complaining.

I guess since I figured Botox has never been a problem, nothing else would be.

Is it different for the other medications like the biologics?????



I guess all surgeries must be different.  I know I have to be off MTX and Humira for 2 weeks prior to my knee replacement and 2 weeks after the surgery.  Six months seems like an awfully long time to be off of it.  Then again...mebbe because it is an elective procedure?? I would contact your RD and see what they say about the length of time you need to be off the mtx before the procedure you want done is done.  Please let us know what the RD says about it. 

6 months is an awfully long time.  It takes about 6 weeks to get out of your system.  It may be that the person you talked to really didn't understand the medication as used for RA.

But each surgeon is different and sets his own rules.  Mine generally lets my rheumatologist decide when to stop and start meds.  However, I am a long term patient of both doctors so they both know me and how I react to meds and how I heal

I thought it was 2 weeks. maybe some surgeries are different.hope you get the info you need

I will have to get a medical release as far as the RD approving it.

 The cosmetic surgeon I contacted said "no" without going off of  the mtx for six months so. I feel he may feel that it is not worth his risk for the small procedures I wanted from him . I even called the maker of the filler and they also said they did not recommend it for people with RA or other autoimmunal diseases as there could be an adverse affect and the MTX may make you more prone to infection and the filler stays in your body for six months. Strange though as it is made with hyaluronic acid which is naturally produced by the body. THe cosmetic surgeon also said that the possiblity of the contour threads were out also.

ALso, I can't figure out where the infection would come form except for the injections, and if I haven't gotten one by now with those monthly blood tests, I doubt I will! Plus when I get Botox, I get around 11 injections into the muscle which is a lot deeper than the fillers would be.

I am going to check with my dermatologist and see what he thinks about it.

Thanks for your input!
