Clarification AND justification | Arthritis Information


Pin Cushion made me understand.  Thank you Pin Cushion.  Now I get why I am being told I might not have had a stroke when the cat scan showed it.

I posted:

"I had declined Easter dinner tomorrow but who knows - may be I will go.  I don't know if it was a mini stroke Lovie.  They didn't call it that but the scary thing is - so many of our RA symptoms are stroke symptoms.  Breaking out into a sweat, fatigue and more but too tired to think now.  I love you Lovie and I do listen to you.  Don't worry about telling me to put the brakes on - you know it will never stop me but it does make me pause and slow down."

What I meant was the doctor said if you are at all suspicious you may be having a stroke, go straight to the hospital.  But for me, and us, many symptoms that you are having a stroke are the same symptoms as having RA or side effects from the meds.  So what do I do?  Go to the emergency room every day?  See what I mean.  I am paranoid, like yesterday I got shaky and broke out in a sweat - could be a stroke symptom but it has also happened with my RA. 

I hope this clear things up.  I rarely re-read what I write AND it is easy to misunderstand someone without actually knowing them, or seeing body language or inflections in their voice.  I apologize to any of you that I confused.  Especially this is an important issue.  Any of us can have a stroke and RA symptoms and stroke symptoms CAN BE very similar.  I am not sorry to those that attacked me.  That was just cruel at a time in my life when I am most vulnerable.  I don't have the energy to dwell on your words.


No need to apologize Roxy. Some people are just cruel. Please try not to let it get to you. This disease we have is confusing. Did you watch your movies last night?  The kids & I rented the new Charlottes Web with Dakota Flanning. It was so good!! Julia Roberts is Charlotte the spider's voice. If you haven't seen it out. Really sweet!

I hope you are having a goood day~

take care 

Roxy, I love you just like you are. I wanted to just scream at what was said to you. Unfortunately, I knew someone would get on here and blast you just because you got all this sympathetic attention. They are jealous of that. Or just plain cruel.

But I know that you are hurting, you are sick, you can't do so many things. You never have to convince me of it. I hear it your voice when we talk. I know you are hurting, suffering, afraid and that you are trying your best just to live life. I also know you will never be satisfied with just getting by. You are always going to be the kind of person that has to squeeze the most you can get out of life.

Lots of people on here do love you. When I was attacked, I felt just like you did. It killed me. But there were very kind people that convinced me to hang in there and just keep posting. That's how you fight back as if they don't exist.

You are a wonderful, strong woman. Just take care of yourself so that I can have you as a friend for many, many years.

Just let it roll. Right off your back. My dad always told me that there are lots of different people in the world. Some are mean, cruel, ignorant, etc., You can't get along with everyone. There are so many minds with so many thoughts. Dad said.,, "just let it roll....right off your back and keep on going." don't waste your time, effort, or energy.


Thanks Cindee.  Back at ya Deanna.

I realized the people that made those comments are not very kind people.  Why should I worry about what they think?  I was just tired last night and looking forward to getting on AI.  I was vulnerable.  Those people cannot hurt me anymore.

Love and hugs Roxy.  I would be hurt if I was you as well but there are so many others who care very much for you.

OK now I am stressed out reading other threads that refer to my posts.  My life has been a drama.  I married a man who I thought was the kindest, most handsome, most fun, best lover and best friend who happened to be a recovered addict/alcoholic (which I respected him for) I felt like the luckiest woman in the world and I would bet many of you could have fallen in love with Brett also.  Before RA my life was an adventure.  I did not have cable and never turned on the tv.  I went on an adventure every day off and my work was exciting and rewarding.  My only sorrow was my daughter being in a mental hospital.

Then I got RA.  I lost my friends as they were too busy doing what I used to do, I could not blame them but it was hard for me to run into them in the small college town I lived in because of their discomfort in seeing me so sick and unable to do any of the things I used to do.  So I decided to move closer to my family.  That was a tough move but I don't regret it.  I love my home, being close to family and Oregon.  My husband's relapses coincided with my RA.  I brought my schizophrenic daughter home because if I could not work, I wanted to take care of her.  My life turned into a drama that I shared with all of you.  I am sorry if I bored you or I took up too much of the board or you thought I was just looking for attention and making it all up.  I wish you would have known me before.  I was fun, I was happy, and I had plenty of energy to support others.  I had no idea that I would offend so many coming here for support.  My life turned upside down with RA.  It all seemed related to RA.  I am still learning how to try to live this sedate life.  I am grateful for the rich life I have lived.  I have had more fun than most people have in ten lifetimes.  If you only knew me then, but then I would not have had time to post on a message board.
