elevated wbc and rheumatoid arthritis | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know about their levels of wbc, lymphocytes and platelet counts and rheumatoid arthritis?  Are all of three of these elevated in persons with ra?  Thanks! 


I have low platelet counts (diagnosed with ITP and the darn treatment is Pred!!!  We have to be sure that when the doc does our blood work he checks everything.  Hugs and good vibes.  Yep, you spelled it right!  Very interesting condition.  I went out and googled it.  I am going to keep this in the back of my mind since I bruise so easily and really bleed after my shots.  I just want to be sure it isn't the ITP versus my meds making me bleed like that.  Thanks for that info!


Do you take prednisone? That can raise your WBC

 Sheri--My platlets & WBC's were elevated for over a year; asked my Rheum. about it( since he actually said all that time everything was normal)--I started getting copies of all my reports--he said not worth telling you--it's very common with RA.  Now they are back to normal range - ??  Who can figure this disease.  Lou
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