C-Reactive Protein (CPR) Test??? | Arthritis Information


Hi y'all,

I wondered if y'all would be so inclined to post your CPR test levels for me. I am somewhat confused on my labwork.

My RA and Lupus tests came back negative, but my CPR test came back 8.6. Nurse said normal was 0.0 - 4.9.

This cold spell we are having in Texas is about to kill my joints. I am still waiting for May 3rd to come for my 1st RD appt. I hope it won't take months and months to dx me.

Thanks for all your help, y'all are the best! The CRP indicates that you have some sort of inflammtion going on.  It is not a specific test for RA.  The crp can be elevated in many different diseases including something as simple as a minor infection.  Negative blood work does not rule out RA or Lupus so further investigation is needed if you are having symptoms
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