FIVE POUNDS in four days | Arthritis Information


I don't think this is one you guys can fix but I have to try.  I have gained five pounds in just the last four days.  RD put me on five mg. pred. a day for 12 days now and I am gaining a pound a day, at least!  I am so sad.  Next week Brett and I are driving to WA for his brother's wedding.  14 hour drive.  I am going to meet ALL of his family, many of them for the first time,  I DON'T WANT TO BE FAT!!!!!!  The one thing I was liking about mtx was it made me lose my apetite but now appetite is back with a vengeance.  Brett just spent the weekend with me and he will be here much of the week.  I have been craving SUGAR like crazy.  It really is not like me.  I think my craving may be due to my lack of energy and trying to keep up with Brett.  I have been obsessed with sugar.  We were watching a movie the other night and I paused the movie and said honey, I will be right back, I have to run to the store.  I got two boxes of candy and ate them BOTH.  I have 10 days until wedding.  I know a big part  is the prednisone.  I don't know if I should try to wean off it or not. (just for the trip)  I want so much to look good when I meet Brett's family.  This sucks, I have no energy to exercise, I get exhausted after any exertion that lasts  more than  15 minutes and  I am having major cravings for sugar.  I feel out of control.  So this is the trade off for controlling the pain.  It is just not fair!!!!!!!!!  When I was on pred. before I just accepted the weight gain - blamed it on the holidays, winter, etc.  but I just got back to my normal weight.  I wish I was writing this in humor but truth is - this weight gain REALLY BOTHERS ME

Start looking for healtier alternatives for those snack cravings. Have some things on hand that you can snack on that aren't so high in fat.

K...I know it's all easier said than done; but you my friend are a strong woman. You can do this!!!

Hang in there.

Roxy -

It might not be really "fat". It is probably water retension. I always feel less bloated and notice my belly roll is not much of a roll if I drink a lot of water. I know I get water retension, I can see it in my ankles after I take off my socks. I also notice that I feel really bloated after I eat a lot of salty foods. Pred also seems to make, eating salty foods, you have water rentension. My oldest niece, she is 2 yrs older than me, she is on pred alot because of her asthma, and she tries to stay away from salty foods they make her retain water. Maybe try drinking a lot of water & tea and less salty foods?

I too crave sugar and only sugar. I eat alot of it too. Like yesterdat I ate almost half of an Italian Creame someone upset me and told me I was fat to my face. Then I came home and ate on my Hersey's Nuggets and then ate a cup of carmel Ice cream. I eat sugar all day long. So I know how the craving for sugar goes. Some days hubby will not give in to take me to the store to get me something sweet to eat. So that is probably why I do not gain more weight.

The weight gain will slow down.  Don't panic.  You can't really be gaining that much every day. That's just water weight.  Breath deeply! 6xmum,  You think if I breathe deeply it will dissipate some of the water?  I am hyper ventilating right now...............

You've helped me now I'm gonna help you...

There is no way you can gain that much weight that quick unless it's fluid.  Gotta beeee....I have done that from time to time even before the Pred.  I've just been cut from 20 mg.a day (been on that dosage for the past month or more) to 10 mg a day.  Prednisone holds the sodium in your body is what my Pharmacist told me.  Sooooo I take 20mg of lasix three times a week.  Especially when i'm retaining fluid.  Should do it all the time but I'm really starting to get sick of popping these pills.  Never been one to take pills.  It's a wonder I don't have a house full of kids cause I could never remember to take the BC It's really not funny because I use to double up on them when I would forget and I still think that's why I could never have kids....Oh well ... I love my Cocker Spaniel  "Angel" (don't ever name a dog Angel, it has a reverse affect.).......starting to babble will go for now.

Until you can get more than 20mg a day.....they sell a diuretic at the drug store. Didrex I think as the pharmacist.

Hope I'm able to help you, your words of encouragement have ment alot.......

Feel Better,


Prednisone causes you too retain water, hence the rapid 1# a day weight gain. Tea is a good diuretic. So is beer, but its high in calories. If you try to get rid of the water weight becareful that you are getting enough Potassium. Bananas are good source of Potassium. As far as the brothers wedding, remember you'll be meeting the family as Mrs. Brett.


I have a many; and most of them due to having RA.
