Interesting topics | Arthritis Information


Whenever I am in severe pain or just feel as though this RA has gotten the best of me, this AI board has brought me some solice. It reminds me that I am not alone in this battle and that there is ongoing research for this disease.

The tips and suggestions have been a lifesaver at times for me. Many of the topics have intrigued me with information and new medical findings. The support has been  overwhelming and welcomed. I have also learned from here that not all meds work the same for all people and that there are good RD's and really bad RD's.

Over the years I have seen that there are people on here that genuinely care about people inflicted with this incurable disease, I have also learned that there are people here that do not have this disease but come here regardless because someone they know has this disease.

I have shared many of the ups and downs in my life here as well like many others here for one main purpose, advice. Yep , just advice.

Now, even though people are ill and sufffering just as much as they always have been,  I can see that many of the topics on this board have turned into a freelance of vile and distrust of absolutely brutal and hateful remarks.

I prefer to read a more constructive conversation filled with information and more positive thinking so  rather than always logging out  or just clicking my way out of this forum I am more prone not to come visit and read such destructive topics. I am hoping that someday people will be kind to oneanother again and let things go and go onward in their life rather on dwelling and being hurtful or nasty.

Please, just think about what I have said, all of you, anyone who reads this...because this is my main reason for posting.

Stop and think about how your actions are affecting others. Think about all the judgements being made here.

I will miss this place. I just cannot come here and watch people be so nasty. I really feel for the newbies, they are all so scared and new to this disease and the terminology is like a new language to them and then they read the posts; filled with ridicule and insults.





I agree totally!!!! Let's just try to make this a better place!!!
