avara | Arthritis Information


Need some advice. I started on avara almost 2 weeks ago and I feel not very good I am losing feeling in my fingers tips and infact one day last week my finger tip was blue for a day but I still have numbness. I feel very weak and and very tired. I just don't know what to do I feel out of breath and just

I am no expert on the prednisone but my mother sure is. She has graves now with thyroid eye disease and was at one time up to 80mg daily. She has been weening for 1 year and is now down to 2mg daily but her adrenal glands kept completely shutting down from this stuff. She actually was in adrenal crisis. She almost died. She said if she had the chance she would never have taken it. If you want to email her... ldyauburnfn11@ aim.com.

Not sure on Arava- I think it is next on the list for me too though.  Keep us posted .  I think we all need to be very careful with these drugs--especially PREDNISONE!!



I took Arava for a while - I didn't have to do the loading dose, but still had some tummy probs -after tweaking the dose I did fine - I didn't notice the hairloss or anything but betweeen the mtx and arava my liver enzymes went out of whack and now I can't can't take either.  The doc will watch all this with lab work.  It can take some time to find just the right med cocktail that will work for you so hang in there.

Always remember the doctor works for you - if he doesn't listen or take you seriously find a new one.  Pred can cause some major problems in a few people so if you are having chest pains and this doctor won't listen I'd definitely be finding another one quickly.  I hope you get this sorted out soon.

Stacy Lynn - I had problems with my adrenal glands from pred too - my doc has me taking 5mg DHEA (note 5mg)- I had a hard time finding this dosage most places carry 25 and 40mg, but I finally did find it and it has really helped me - it kinda jumps starts the adrenal gland until it wakes up completely on it's own.  Ask your doc about this and see what he says.

Hugs and good vibes.

thank you all for the infro. I called my rhemy and told him and just what I thought he would say it's not the drugs. Oh god I am so sick. All the doctor told the nurse to tell me is relax and forget about it. I just fell apart after talking with her. it's seems like he just don't care. Should I just stop the predisone. I am on 30mg a day. My blood presure is 153/92 that is high for me I take b/p meds to. I am so angry right now I don't know what to do. Of all days I don't have a car to go to walk in to see doctor. I think I will go to bed. Thanks for all your help. Joan
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