getting married should be happy | Arthritis Information


OK you guys.  You might as well be the first to know.  Brett and I made the decision to get married on our way up to his brother's wedding next week.  I should be happy right?  I am so sad.  I have wanted to marry this man a long time, but not like this.  We are getting married so I have better medical coverage to deal with this ra thing.  I was going to go shopping today for a pretty dress to get married in and also to wear to his brother's wedding.  That is when I got really depressed over the weight I have gained.  This has been one of those sucky days.  Not pain, depression.  It was only eight months ago that I was tromping all over the hills and mountains, kicking my male friend's butts in endurance, (secretly giggling when I would see them huffing and puffing behind me) madly in love and so excited I found a man that could not only keep up with me but make me feel like life would always be good if we were together, dreaming of my outdoor Fall wedding, feeling like I had so much to offer the world.  I was kicking butt on my two jobs too.  Now I had to give up the science program that I founded, my labor of love and life's work, and wondering how am I going to go back to work in Sept. on my ranger job feeling like this!  Brett called at lunch.  We were supposed to meet at the lake after work.  I told him I just wasn't up to it.  I know there are those that have it worse, I know I should be grateful for what I have, but I can't help but miss what I had and wonder if I will ever get that old life and me back.  This disease is unbelievable, how quickly it overtakes your life!  I ate a damn box of DOTS again.  I have to get those out of the house!  I go see rd on Thurs.  I think I want an alternative to pred.  It may also be why I am not handling all of this well. 

God has a plan for us all...rarely is it what we would have planned for ourselves; but in the end everything happends for a reason.

We love you Sweetie. Try to relax and enjoy your wedding to the man you love. It's all going to work out.

Everything happends for a reason. Don't forget that.


I am sorry you are still taking it so hard. You will get better and more then likely be able to be back to your old self. You just have to give your meds and RD time to work for you. I know how fustrating it can be to not being able to do what you want and love to do. I struggle with that everyday...I hate depending on my husband to open jars, pop the top on my cokes, and even worst make it to where he is the only one working. I want to get a job so bad because we are struggling and knowing that puts a lot of "pressure" on me.

Anyways, back to you....I would not worry about the getting married just for insurance part...he is doing it because he loves you and wants you to feel better and be like your old self.

I would get married and then when I got to feeling better, and you will feel better, I would start to plan the fall wedding. I mean you can still have a outdoor wedding. If the celebrities can have 2 weddings so can you!!

The weight gain, I know how it frustrats you. I am sorry. But at least when you go shopping for clothes you do not have the length and size me lol. That is the most annoying, frustrating thing for me to go shopping for pants...because I am so short and chubby I cannot find my size or the right length.

Hey if you do find an alternative to pred let me know. I would like an alternative.

Hope you find that special dress.

Thanks Lovie.  Thanks Joonie.  You know I am feeling so moody today, I think I am doing a prednisone "manic" episode.  first let me say congrats on the wedding!  keep this in mind, it's not the wedding that is important, it's the marriage.  i had to repeat that for a long time to myself after my wedding disaster.  believe me, no one enjoyed my wedding, most of all gar and i.  it was over 100 degrees, suposed to be an outdoor wedding, the minister (gar's step-grandfather) droned on and on after we told him we wanted a very short service.  He spoke about funerals.  I almost passed out because I picked my dress before the date and it was all wrong for a summer outside wedding.  Heavy, long sleeved, beaded dress.  No one was paying attention to me that I was trying to tell someone that if they did not turn a fan on me immediately, there'd be no vows taken.  Finally after that he shut up except for a very long prayer.  To top it off, we couldn't even drink as we were under age.  Before the wedding though, I was so calm and collected.  Everyone else's worry got to me.  But the moral of the story is it is the marriage that counts not the weddinng!
Wicked pred causing you this trouble.  I do not blame you for wanting an alternative.  What about a systemic injection of it.  Typically lasts a bit longer than oral pred.  Less painful than injecting separate joints.  I'm sure it's not the same for everyone, but I don't have the mood issues with it that I do with oral pred. 
hugs, wayney
Thanks Wayney.  I just woke up from a nap.  I was going to take a walk and decided I would rather nap

I hope you feel better soon.  It sounds like you have a great guy.  I hope you have a great wedding and trip to Washington.  Rejoice in your love and relax!

Thanks Cristene and Joonie girl  and all my buddies-  I feel better now.  It was just one of those days, a bloated bride to be

Hey, I know when roxy posts her wedding pics why don't we join in and share our wedding pics as well??

We'll call it RA Brides

I feel for you about the weight thing.  I have put on loads of weight and I can't even blame it on medication as the doctor won't give me any yet,. it's all just lack of exercise.  We all have good days and bad days, as I have realised from reading the messages on this board.  When you feel bad, pamper yourself and your body.  When you feel as much as you can to make up for it.

I have read a lot of you posts and you spend a lot of time trying to cheer people here is a hug from me


Heeeey, congrats roxy!

Regardless of the circumstance, you're marrying the guy you lurve and he
lurves you too. Don't worry about the rubbish the RA brings for that one day,
concentrate on the two of you and how happy you make each other. Please
please please post a pic or two of the big day! I'll trade you and show you
one of mine

do you love him?


Ok then.. I remarried Mark after being divorced for 2 years. We are saying it's 30 years, or 28... we dont know. At first frankly he asked me to marry him so he wouldnt have to pay for my health insurance, I would be back under the family plan.. sounds soooooooooooo romantic right???


But he does love me and I do love him, and that is what matters.

Like someone said, its the marriage that counts, not the wedding. You will get stablilized and you will have a "normal" life, whatever "normal" is for you.

If the situation was reversed you would marry him, and deal with life, so let him deal with it..


You're going to be a beautiful bride, because your spirit will shine through..

Excuse me? can't be there? well i for one will be! ok, only in spirit, but hey, it counts in my books!!  Sounds a bit odd, but i take my bestest buddy everywhere with me, on my shoulder, in my heart, i know she's with me and ok, we text all the time, but if it wasn't for knowing she's with me, i couldn't do half the things i do.   ok this nut is off now   lol

I remember I did not really want to go shopping for a wedding dress because I felt so fat, I have my daughter just 7 months before my wedding and had about 25 extra pounds on me. But after I got to the shop and tried on a few dresses and realized that my dress would cover up my fatness I was happy. And you will too!!

Roxy you are going to be  a beautiful and awesome bride!!!!!!!!

We're with ya sister...if only in spirit!!
