ROXY | Arthritis Information


You have some nerve making this statement:  Your issues are scarier than RA.

You don't know me, you don't know anything about me.  Personally, I think you are a co-dependent woman who is in a panic because her husband, or whatever he is, left.  You are mentally unstable.  An example is you posting that you want to take care of kids 2 days after your "stroke".  Which, I doubt you even had.  I think you are full of crap and looking for attention.  Who in their right mind would THINK about taking care of kids right after they had a stroke? Who, in their "maturity" level that you claim to have, would leave the hospital without proper treatment?  That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  What good would you do Kelsay if you are dead?   

I'm not going to debate anything else with you. You said that you post about issues that everyone with RA has.  I hate to tell you, but I don't fight with my white trash husband, call the cops because he threw lotion at me, take pain pills on a daily basis and THEN have the nerve to talk sh*t to others on a message board.  I say good riddence.

Sorry if anyone else is offended by this, but I have had enough of this crap out of Roxy's mouth.  She claims to be this poor little, me person, but she sure is aggressive on here.  I would say that Brett would have a hell of a lot to say about her behavior at home.  Maybe he isn't the bad one afterall?????



I was having a break from this crap but my husband has just read this post to me and I cant just shut up.Its been viewed 15 times and no one has replied to it.

PHATS- what are you going to gain from this?

You called us immature but dont you think this is really over the top?

How dare you belittle someone so badly, this maybe a public forum but dont you have any respect for another human being?There is such a thing as human dignity but you show none of that.

You come on here and at every post you pick out the bad and comment on it, there is goodness in everyone surely the goodness is what we look for not the faults.we all have them .YOU TOO.

I really hated coming back on for this but you launched such a tirade on Roxy that I couldnt let it pass

I did want to post to this, but i wanted to think about what i was going to say before i said it.  Because i know if i posted it when i first read it it was not going to be very nice. Im am so sick of all the name calling and horrible thing that are being said.  We are here for support not to put up with other inconsiderate people nitpicking what we are going to say.   This board since i have been on here has NEVER been like this untill a certain group of people started on here.  Enough already people. If you do not like what is being said on here please by all means leave. NOBODY wants to put up with this.  Phats didn't start it. Roxy attacked her.

Why is it that no one gets onto Roxy? Roxy's statement to Phats was worse than ANYTHING said to or about Roxy.
I agree with you Pincushion. I have oftened admired your spirit Phats but I think you have gone too far.
I dont know if Roxy was co-dependent on Brett - I know I was with my ex. Life is never as simple as you seem to think, there are always extenuating circumstances.   Who on earth are you to judge what went on in Roxy's marriage, you werent there, nor were you there when she had a stroke. To call Roxy mentally unstable because her husband left her when she is suffering so badly with RA is ridiculous - nearly all people go through some form of mental instability when their spouse leaves but when it happens to someone who is ill it is ten times worse. A mother on her own would be worried beyond belief about her children after having a stroke, to me that shows love and concern for her children. You do not know the details of her stroke either - I think you need to learn some tolerance and I am disappointed with your attack on Roxy.

Pin cushion,

Roxy started this, if you read back to the comments, so you can get off me and look to her, ok?  I never said YOU were immature, did I?

Additionally, maybe you should read most of my posts from my past, they are very supportive of what everyone is going thru.

I never claimed to be perfect, never once.  I have faults, a lot of them. 

Kelsaysmommy, yep, we are here for support, not to hear the daily in and outs of anyone's daily life, not just Roxy's.  She just happens to be the worst about it.  Do you want me to air all my dirty laundry on this msg board?  I think not.

Finally, the both of you can just kiss off, I play nice until someone gets in my crawl, which is exactly what Roxy did. 



Roxy put her life out here, in black and white for all to read and judge. If she didn't want her life public then she shouldn't have put it all out here.

And who is Roxy to judge Phats then?

It can't just be a one way road. There is reaction to every action. I dont know if she said anything about whether or not people knew what was going on in her life.  SHe felt comfortable shareing it and if you dont like it DONT READ IT .  I mean really, its not that hard to do


That didn't even make sense


But here's the thing Shannon. What we put out there in the world is judged. What we wear, what we do for a living, where we live. Are we suppose to go through life telling people, if you don't like what I wear don't look, if you don't like what I do for a living don't communicate with me, if you don't like where I live don't come by? For anyone to think that what is written on these boards isn't judged is infantile. It's a fact of life.

I have not seen anyone else on this board share their personal life like Roxy. If she's going to do that she will open herself up to other's opinions.

Do you watch The Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars? I bet you judge all of them. But we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. We only see what the director allows us to see. And these people, stars or not, know that they are putting it all out there for millions to see and they know they will be judged.

And so do we. With every word we type, we are being judged. Imagine........................ having a stroke and then having someone question whether you made it up.  Now that is cruel.  Phats, SOD, Claire, you were not on this board two months ago and we had peace and support.  I think you are trouble makers and are ugly - from what I have read.  I am not the only one that came to this board to share my life with RA - some of us actually do not feel any shame in sharing details in our lives.  All aspects of our lives are effected by RA. 


Open mouth, insert foot.  I WAS ON here 2 months ago.  I have been on here since 10/06.  I'm not a senior member for nothing.  I thought you were leaving?  I thought we "ran" you off?  You came back for more drama. 

As many have said before, it isn't the fact that you share about your life it is that you share EVERY friggin detail about your pathetic life.


Roxy, first I think you need to go and rest.

Second, there's not that much peace on this board and there hasn't been for a long time.

Third, I haven't been cruel to you at all. Facts are facts my dear; whether you like them or not.

Fourth, that's fine if you "do not feel any shame in sharing the details of your life". But I stand by my previous post. If you are going to put it out there, others can and are going to judge you. You accept that when you put it all down in writting. I knew there was a reason I have never cared to have many women friends. This reinforces my belief. How cruel can you all be to people who are suffering?Hey Phat, what is this all about?  (my white trash husband,)



phat what does nuya mean???? Or was that supposed to be nunya?


Well said!!!! You said it all!!!

Daisy--- if you are this shy peace loving person why do you add to the pot of stirrers and like the fact that phats preys on people with problems.Just trying to get to know where this is all coming from

If I preyed on people with problems, don't you think everyone on this board would be my target.  That statement is without merit, as your statements generally are.  Furthermore, no one had been posting to this thread for quite sometime, maybe YOU are the stirrer? 



I totally agree with what Phats stated, it is the truth, sometimes it is hard to face but it is the truth. I have been insulted and attacked by people for NO reason at all, everyone without any knowledge judge jumps in and adds VERY insulting names. It is so hypocritical that all the people that consistently say how they hate cruel people, have been the cruelest of all. I should make a posting of all the names and insults and let everyone see exactlywhat they have said, since they don't don't seem to see their behavior as cruel, because they are WONDERFUL supporting people. Everyone needs to sit back and look at exactly how this started and see if it is all warrented. Everyone is reponsible for this not just the "pot stirrers". What is the true definition of a "pot stirrer" someone that does not share your opinion???


No not at all. I came here for the same reasons you did, to chat with other RA sufferers and have a few laughs. One of the first people I met on here was Roxy and she gave me some excellent advice and has been a constant person to uplift my spirits. We are constantly reminded not to read posts that we find offensive so why cant that be the same about Roxy's posts. If no one likes them ignore them but dont belittle her, she doesnt deserve this. Some people find it helpful to wear their heart on their sleeve, its part of her personality like your personal traits are yours. I am sorry you got attacked on here, things have been mad on here for a while and certain people logging on under different names trying to cause trouble, its been a bit of a nightmare so i think its come to the point of "who to trust". I definetly do feel so strongly about the vicious attacks though someone is sitting back and having a laugh at a few peoples expense, this could be dangerous ground due to the fact that depression plays such a large part in chronic illness's.The name calling ,  dragging someones self confidence to low levels could have drastic effects and i know i wouldnt want that done to me or any of my friends.

This did not start about me being insulted by Roxy's post Please look at how it started, and then escalated. Look at the  Titled Roxy post I started on I think Apr. 8. I was truly concerned and asked her 2 questions. Maybe people felt I had no right to ask the questions because I wasn't a regular poster here, that is where it started. People have carried on about just don't read her posts, but that wasn't even the point!!!!! I had followed her life and enjoyed reading it like a lot of people here. UGH!!!!!!!!! Please be informed start at the being!!!Drop it Daisy. GET A LIFE PEOPLE.....TERESA