Great Article all posters should read | Arthritis Information


Almond Joy's got nuts!Mounds don't!

omg I couldn't resist...
and sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you dontOkay, but I think there is a point to this article where it does seem that some people have come on this forum recently and have made claims to having RA and yet they never really give out any confirming information. There has been a lot emphasize on drama of late and a lot less on answering questions that are obviously RA. Good article.

Deanna I think you missed the point of the article. Munchausens is a psychological disorder or people who will post very good descriptions of what is happening to them (in their mind). It is not when posters don't divulge their medical problems.

"it does seem that some people have come on this forum recently and have made claims to having RA and yet they never really give out any confirming information''


Deanna..EVERYONE on this board claims to have RA.  It is far more likely that someone with an elaborate story has made a false claim than someone who casually posts.  They are looking for the attention and the drama.  No one knows how true anyone elses story is. Besides why in the world does it matter that they have provided "confirming" information.  What constitutes "confirming" information anyway?  And who gets to be judge and jury of a poster's   How would you be able to prove your claim to have RA?  No one here knows you in real life.  But I guess we are expected to accept your word at its face value aren't we



Hey... you know what I always wanted to do? I wanted to get some of us RA'er's to make a video of one of our "days". To help show people what we go thru on a daily basis. I have always wanted to do this for about 2 years now. Not to prove anything, but to show how different everyone was.

But then I would remember most people are not computer literate, and I did not have a way to upload a video and figured no one else did either.

But it would be cool, if one day we could all make a video blog and post it on YouTube to help get the RA message across.

OMG Joonie. I love you. I'm SO gonna do day. Hahahaha oh man, I REALLY want to, but I know how my plans go.....*sigh* I will TRY for it though! I have pics of my hands and my foot on my myspace page.  They are also on another thread here too.  Can't remember which one tho lol.  Stupid RA fog.  My myspace addy is in my profile if you want to see the pics.

Hey, I just remembered! My digital camera does do video, but not for very long. And then there is the dial up connection I have, would take me eons to get a video uploaded to YouTube. I know, I had to upload a video for my brother he sent me on a disk to YouTube and it took me almost 4 hour to upload a 10 min video!

Dial up sucks!! AWWW!!! I have dialup too!!! LOL!!!Hahahaah you live in the dark ages........ Dial up?  What is this you speak of dial up??

That article was interesting. I realized I am soooo naive yet even at my age - 65.  It never occured to me that people on this forum or any other forum might make up stuff about their illnesses!  Gosh, I don't like being enlightened...


It was a very good article, and I suspect there is much of that going on here.  I won't speculate publicly, because it is mere speculation on my part.  I think the best advice is to keep the events of a support forum in it's proper perspective.  I can enjoy everyone here, and learn and share, without becoming dependent on it for my daily existence.

Thanks for sharing the article

No, do not live in the dark ages