Diet Diarys | Arthritis Information


hi, I was just curious, if many keep a diet diary.  I have read on here, about how it affects some and others have kept a healthy lifestyle, but still been hit by RA.

If you've kept a diary, for how long, did it help?? I just never know day to day, how I'm going to feel  or what foods are really hurting me or not.. I think its hard to know..bc digestion and all can take awhile..

just looking for answers, like all of us. lol and ack

I used to keep a food diary for stomach problems but i noticed that when i cut out some dairy, tomatos, peppers, oranges, and wheat my RA felt better. I eat well with a healthy diet and a few treats now and then. My day is normally like this.

Breakfast- special k cereal with skimmed milk and coffee

fruit for snack - usually pears or banana's

Lunch - mixed salad with Tuna and a mullerlight yougat

Dinner- baked potato with a filling, assortment of steamed vegetables

Treat- low fat ice cream or a small chocolate bar and a latte

I drink lots of water through  the day as i get really thirsty.
