My germaphobic doctor | Arthritis Information


I went to the doctor on Monday. Our conversation was really funny or I should say weird. I told him my husband was really sick and coughing up a lot of flem ( Yuk) sorry. Also told him Michael had a doctor appointment too that day.

The doctor told me to get some facemasks for Michael to wear around the house and I should sleep in a separate bed. Yea right, like Michael will wear a facemask around the house. Then the doctor told me it is not necessary for me to become a germ phobic but to be careful.

Then after this conversation I tell him I have had a dry cough off and on he literally takes 2 steps back from me and I say “I saw that” Now whose the germ phobic????

OK really none of this is funny but sure makes you want to get off these meds.  I got a chest xray along with my blood tests and I asked for a copy of my blood tests so maybe I could learn all this blood test results stuff like all of you seem to be up on.

hey, I am a recovering germ-a-phobe. I freaked out yesterday because hubby did not wash a spoon really good that he gave me to use to hold on to for when he stirred the potatoes. Anyways the spoon he rinsed off after he used it to stir something else. And I told him to wash it again because I could see a piece of what he stirred before on it. And he did not do it so I had to do it.

Yep, recovering I am... I usually fall off the wagon a few times a day LMAOOk, this is the problem. Please tell me that none of you use antibacterial
products. This doctor is not part of the solution, he is a major contributor
to the problem. There are some researchers that now believe that we have
caused our auto immune diseases because we have allowed our immune
systems to become bored. The use of antibacterial products kills even the
good bugs that our bodies need. Now, our immune systems have nothing to
do so it turns on our good cells and starts attacking. We will be hearing a
lot more about this in the near future. Get rid of the antibacterial soap and
other crap. I am a clean freak and I have had to let go a bit. It has been
hard but has improved my health a bit.