fever with RA?? | Arthritis Information


I am not in a flare at current time, but every evening I feel crummy and  have started taking my temp.  I'm running 99-100 every evening!!!  And my eyes are blood red by the evening.  I'm using the Restasis eye drops for dry eyes and it helps some but still painful by the evening.  No signs of infection but I also noticed my lymph glands are frequently swollen.  Any ideas out there??

Talk to your Rheum... Maybe you're running a low grade infection. An infection like that can make you feel crummy. #2 Everyone's temp is higher in the evening and just maybe 99 then might be normal for you.


I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so crummy.  I think it is not uncommon for people with autoimmune disease to run low grade fevers, especially in the evening.  My son, Oscar also runs low grade fevers.  They seem to come in clusters when he is run down and last for a few days at a time.

you should probably let your Ophthalmologist know that you are still having pain and redness even with the Restasis.  This is not a something that was used when I was an Ophthalmic nurse, so I don't know much about it.  It might feel good to use some cold compresses when you get home from work, it can be soothing when you're having the discomfort you describe.  Do you use a gel or ointment at night to keep them well lubricated while you sleep??

I sure hope you're feeling better soon.  Try to get some rest.....it's hard to get back into a regular work schedule after all you've been through recently.

Take care,

I hope you're feeling better today.


I do the same thing, low grade fevers are pretty often occurance.  I thought it was the bodies responce to inflamation from ra.  And about your eyes, I had episcleritis, it is inflamation in the eye.  It did'nt hurt as much as my eyes stung. The whites were so red, a trip to my eye doc set it to rights.  My advice would be to get it checked out.




Karen, I always get low grade fevers when I have a flair up.  I even get them when I extend myself and exercise.  They are annoying becuase I'm cold with chills and I feel even more tired than normal.  Good news is they are gone in the morning but if I'm on a roll, I can have them every afternoon for long periods of time.  This is when the rheumy calls out the pred again.For years my normal temp was around the 99.9-100.2 range.  This was while I was in school.  The nurse never realized that was normal for me so needless to say, I got out of school a lot!  Since the fibro dx. my temp varies wildly from being below normal to my normal.  Many people do have a low grade fever in response to flares...knowing doesn't change anything other than knowing it's normal. 
You mentioned the swollen lymph glands.  I never notice mine or not.  But when we saw the ortho for Bastian, he mentioned that his groinal lymph glands were a bit swollen.  He's also got one on his neck that almost looks like a ganglion cyst that periodically swells.  I asked his ped about it and he said it was common.  But this one looks like it is on a tendon, not at the sides of his throat. 
hugs, wayney

Hey wayney!!! That is why I got to go home from school all the time!!!! I actually had a fever from my RA??!! Man, so repeating kidnergarden was not just in vain....lol. I actually had a fever.

And here I thought I was getting away with "murder" when I would go to the nurses office and my temp was took and then 15 mins later my mommy showed up. The school nurse was really good about not letting you see what your temp was and left you hanging to know if she was going to call your parents or not.

mine wasn't so good about it. she'd usually tell us and then call.  in high school anyway.  in middle school, i can't remember her doing that.  but i do know she sent me home a lot after taking my temp in middle school.  or let me lay down in the nurses office to rest a bit. she did know i had jra.  i had to have special permission to carry meds on me so i did not have problems.  once in awhile i wouldn't have any with me and i'd have to go in and ask for something else...til i could refilly my advil or aspirin.  this was a school that had one office for both the middle and high schools.  there was one nurse and a nurses aide.  both were good for sending me home. and now i sort of have a connection the the nurses aide. her grandson married my best friend.
hugs, wayney
Yeah, I got sent home a lot. I kinda stopped going to the nurses off when I was in 6th grade. I did not miss a day of school from grades 7-11th grade, would not have missed any days in the 12th grade, but it is hard going to school when you are pregnant....lol. middle school was my rough time.  i rarely missed school is high school due to RA.  I missed because of colds.  Or during my senior year because    I was bored, didn't have homework finished or just to go see my boyfriend (yeah Gar's always been a bad influence on me).  I wrote my own "sick" notes as my mom could care less. I kept my grades decent, worked, so as long as I wasn't doing bad in school, no one cared if i was there or not.  it might have been a problem had my grades slipped.  many times, it was just my bestest friend and i leaving at lunch and we'd just go to the park or river or something.  found out her parents somehow found out about it. 
hugs, wayney
ps...i couldn't have done it while preggers!!!

Hi Karen,

      How are you feeling?  Still having the fevers in the evenings?

Where you able to check with the eye md and let him know you are

still having alot of discomfort?

I hope you're feeling better

I'm going to ask my RD about the Provigil.....sounds like that could be great for me too

That's great you are able to switch RD's, I'm not happy with mine either, but am stuck with him because of my insurance.  I'll see how the next visit goes and speak to the powers that be if I'm still unhappy.

I read your son has another sleep over tonight.  Try not to miss him too much!!  Have a nice evening!!

Hope your feeling better,has temp gone away??Hope so.Sherry

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