This is important to me | Arthritis Information


I keep reading posts from nasty people who are attacking me - names I never even heard of until the last week. 

They have made me leave AI but I wanted to check back in on my friends.  I again read another post accusing me of complaining about my family.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME.  I have never said ANYTHING bad about my family.  I dare any one of them to find a post that has me insulting my family.  My family and I are very close.  I feel privileged that they are there for me.  I have said they do not understand RA.  That is why many people come to forums like this because it is hard for people who do not have RA to understand it.  There is nothing more hurtful than to say I do not care about my family or would bad talk my family that mean everything to me.  I made a major move to be close to them.  I know this post will not stop the insults but I needed to post this so others do not believe the bs these people are writing.  It is incredible anyone would insinuate I am unhappy with my family.

As far as Brett goes, I think he will always be the love of my life.  I hated his addictions but I understood when he left how hard it is to live with someone with RA.  I also love my daughter Kelsey beyond words.  She is also difficult to live with if you are not used to her.  I don't blame Brett for leaving and the house is much less stressed and more peaceful with him gone.

I have also been accused of hiding money as I get state money.  I, in fact, get my retirement - which I earned.  They do not take into account how much money you have.  I am not a fraud.

I think there are grounds for libal suits from these posters but I nor probably any of us have the energy to pursue it.  Sadly, AI has been ruined.  Some very very ugly people, or one ugly person with several ids has purposely come here to attack and break up our safe haven.  I wish there was a solution but I don't know what it is.

Daisy, I would be happy to have anyone read your "caring" post when you asked me if I was using the board just for the purpose of communicating with my husband.  That is ridiculous and insulting.  You also insinuated I did not have a stroke because of the after stroke care I received.  I have now spoke with several people who did not have severe enough strokes, no paralysis and speech issues, that the course of action I was given is typical.  I am seeing a neurologist as I love life and want everything done to take care of myself.

One of those things I must do is quit reading your ugly posts.  Your kind of negativity is destructive to the spirit and instills distrust in people who need to open up and share their lives to receive support they may not be able to get anywhere else. 

Sadly, AI is no longer a "support" site.


Roxy, some people you have wronged a long time ago, are the ones who are pouncing on you while you are down. I am sorry, they have waited this long to hold a grudge against you and have waited that you are not doing so well.

You do know once they get it out of their system they will let you be and then AI will be back to normal.

Keep your chin up roxy, you are a trooper.




Hi Roxy, I have not posted on this board for a long time, but I have just returned and cannot believe what I am reading, people have short memories as I know you were very supportive of me and many others and besides it is not very Christian of people to kick you when you are down so I just want to say that people who are nasty usually have something else going on and all you need to do is ignore them, I know it hurts when people attack you but try to focus on the good posts and remember you have many friends here, don't leave, you will be giving them what they want.  Love Janie. 


That really pisses me off!!!!  You don't owe those cowards a damn thing.  Who do they think they are?  I have been reading these posts for a long time now and have never responded but I'm getting sick of this crap.  You don't owe them any explanation.  I'm sorry for their stupid ignorance.  Keep your head up high, and do what you have to do for you and your family!!!!!


Amen Trish! Roxy, you just can't let it drop, can you? It WAS calming down. Most posts were off the front page. But then you got to start it up again.

WHY?I have been lurking here for sometime. The following are my observations:

This site needs a moderator - to control the content of postings. A person was allowed to post intimate details about their husband and daughter, without the permission of them on a public forum. The embarrassment they have suffered is irreversible. One person's selfishness and need for attention has caused harm to these unwitting people. These posts are not legal on a public forum without their permission.

Roxy - you stated you should sue for libel - you may not want to open yourself up to any legal matters that will turn against you. Including in itself of anything you have posted on this or any other public forum, they are all admissible in a legal finding. You must also disclose all your assets and any change to income to the state of Oregon including any assets held for your needs in a relative or third party's possession. If you are investigated your benefits will be frozen until the investigation is complete and any statements on any public forum including the internet can be used against you.The state of Oregon allows for anonymous reporting if someone reports you are being fraudulent.

Roxy - I suggest you seek an evaluation by a mental health professional. Your actions and paranoia suggest you need assistance. You have put yourself and your family in harms way by your selfish actions.

Forum members - I have seen people defamed by insults and slanderous activity. You should all think about the repercussions of doing this on a public forum. As stated all postings on any public forum can be presented in legal matters. You need to think before you insult to support. You can find yourself in a legal proceeding.


you control your own life, so work on getting it back.

Don't give other people the privilege of knowing about your private life especially if you don't feel you can trust them.

Keep it to yourself and those closest to you. This is a forum for support for those with arthritis and its related problems but sometimes perhaps you can give too much away.

Work on finding someone to talk to face to face and I hope all goes well for you, as I do for everyone on this board.

People say nasty things for reasons that we may never know.  Please find peace within yourself and dont use this board to Vent - even if you believe you deserve to do so.  look after yourself.



Hi Roxy . Welcome back. I hope you are feeling better and that you carry on posting on here. We have really missed you. You are a strong person than can overcome the slander to the point of ignoring it, because its like the front page of a newspaper, tomorrow it will be history and some other poor soul will be its headlines.Hi Roxy - you are perfectly entitled to post whatever you want whenever you want. I do not understand these people and their cruelty but dont let them chase you off this board. I certainly dont want this board to continue like it is now - I want it back how it used to be and that was when you were posting here and received support and care.   There is nothing wrong in being open and honest - I prefer people that are open and honest to those that are sly and deceitful any day.   I like one of Winston Churchill's sayings (I think he borrowed it from way back) - it goes something like 'evil prospers when good men do nothing'. I have always admired his strength in the face of adversity (wonder how he would have tackled some on this board) - SO - be strong and remember the good men/women that are on this board.
Hope you and Kelsey are doing well.
Kindest wishes,

Drama Queen,  Roxy already posted that she is receiving retirement in which she earned.  I make good money and collect my retirement and it is no ones business what I earn. 

I rarely come here.  I lurk on all the boards but this board - I have never seen so much meanness in the 15 years I have had RA.
