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I love some of the screen names here. It takes me a while but I finally gey them, I am like DUH!!!! Thinkthinn, a new one Owiedeb, and now I see a OhnoRA. These are sooo good. as for mine, Daisy is my doggie!! Not very creative!!

Oh Oh Oh! Not that anyone cares but, my username (ArrisColwell) is an anagram for "Lewis Carroll" The author of Alice in Wonderland - my FAV book/THING of all time.


Actually, his name was Charles Dodgeson, but ya know, pen name and what nots. Tee-Hee!

I am an AMERICAN and by ethnic roots are European and American Indian.

When I was named I was given the name of "One Who Watches." At my adult naming ceremony I was given the name of "Wolf Who Watches."  So I decided to use "watchingwolf" as my screen name.

Ooo I always wondered about that!! And now I know...


And knowing is half the battle!! GI Jooeeeeee


Mine is pretty simple.  I'm a gramma and Danny calls me Skittles.  So hence, GrammaSkittles. 





*this post has been edited because Lizzie is a poo face.*



arriscolwell39183.6870486111EM (for daughter Emily), MA (for son Matthew), and SA (for daughter Sarah)   Everyone here calls me Emma, but my real name is Vicki! I do not have a poo face today.  >.<  Today I have a tired face and in no mood for youngins!!!!! SO NEENER!!!Hillhoney is short for Hillbilly Honey, which oh so many years ago was my CB Handle!  It comes from my West Virginia mountaineer roots!One of my favorite poems when I was young was one by Robert Frost, I can't remember the exact name, but I can still recite the whole poem. And the last line is......"and miles to go before I sleep."...sigh...I love poetry.I loved that poem too!!!  Was it titled,Stopping in the woods on a snowy evening?Yes, that's it!! OMG That's so cute!!!Well - guess what??   I'm a Kiwi!!  Bet that was hard to figure out!!  Lass was one of the nicknames from my Scottish parents.  I prefer that one to "hen"!! Meme that's so sweet!  That's a good way to get a nicname - from kids!  Of course you could have been called Aunt Ido Ido!
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