Does Herbs help ? | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone,

                   Has anyone tried the herb Ginger... I was told that it helps the joints... Is this true or am i just wasting my time taking this ?



I think anything that you feel works is worth a shot...but I personally stick to traditional medicines. After 11 years with this disease and plenty of ups and downs I've learned that I need to stay on a treatment plan recommended by my doctor.

Are you currently on a RD prescribed treatment plan?

There's several folks here that like to use alternative treatments such as herbs and diets and some have very good results. There are strong opinions on the subject here that's for sure.


not one that i've heard of for RA but hey, like lovie says if you think it could help, give it a go


Not much into herbs. Just plain ol' meds. BUT I did find this for you

Ginger is another Ayurvedic herb used to treat people with arthritis. A small number of case studies suggest that taking 6–50 grams of fresh or powdered ginger per day may reduce the symptoms of RA.96 A combination formula containing ginger, turmeric, boswellia, and ashwagandha has been shown in a double-blind trial to be slightly more effective than placebo for RA;97 the amounts of herbs used in this trial are not provided by the investigators.

Hey, how many ginger ales is that Joonie?


 Yeah Joonie, How many?? That's a "cure" I'll be more than happy

  to give a try

500-1000 mg 3 times a day. Or drink up to 4 cups of ginger tea daily

Well, from what I read looking for that it is to help with RA symptoms, it is anything BUT a cure.

Ginger is good for according to the site:
nausea, flatulence, RA, sports injuries, and a few other things.

So if you do not want to drop a "stink bomb" on your man drink ginger Ginger, Like Turmeric contains curcuminoids. Curcuminoids act in the same sort of way as the Cox II inhibitors (like Vioxx) so they are anti-inflammatory and also painkilling (but without the nasty side effects). IN addition, ginger contains a fair quantity of anti-rheumatic ingredients (see the personal archive of the American botanist Dr James Duke - which you may find on the web, but you have to lok for it quite hard - I'll check my refs and see if I can find it to give you).

Beyond this - it is well known to have stomach settling (carminative) properties and is a digestive aid, ensuring that more of whatever you take will become bio-available.

Personally - I prefer to take raw fresh ginger cut into small pieces and swallowed like pills. I take several grams a day with no side effects. I also take several other herbal medicines. My RA is getting better daily and yesterday I was able to run for the first time in months (knees hurt today - but who cares!)

There has been at least one anecdotal story doing the rounds about a man who supposedly cured his RA with ginger eaten daily. Personally I don't believe this, but I do believe it is a very powerful herb. You should not take it at the same time as any medications that thin the blood, and should stop if you have any side effects. I found that taking it at the same time as St John's wort magnified the side effects of that (an incurable headache!) - so I stopped the st john's wort and the headache went. Just listen to your body and you'll be fine.

All you AI board regulars please don't shoot me down in flames - this is not about diet and nutrition for me - this is a medication as far as I'm concerned and I'm happy to share the results of my own experience and many hours of research.

Love to all,



Sweet lil Me asked a question....and I think we're all glad you've got some real answers for her Maggie. If we've offened you in the past with our anti-non tradition treatment talk I personally apoligize.

There's a need for all resources here.

I have ginger jam on toast every day, I dont know if it does my joints or digestive system any good, but I enjoy it. 


Yeah Maggie. I tried to answer her question, just did not know what I was looking for or talking about. Sure glad you came along and gave her more to go on.