levLarry | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to prove that LevLarry and I are in fact not one and the same.   Thanks LL for your support. 


This isn't enough proof for them. I still try to keep a positive attitude and people treat me so good because of my positive attitude and i seem to feel better and have trouble not smiling and laughing. Even better than before i got sick of course back then i was a mean person. You should have written a book, gone on opra and made a million dollars. I hope that things are good with you, finally we meet.


lev, what made you such a mean person before your RA?


Yes, this may be a first that we're actually signed on at the same time, but you're right, I doubt that it will change the opinions of the narrow minded!

I'm doing great despite the long, stressful hours I've been putting forth at my job.  Not to mention family time, my time, etc.!!  Contrary to what some people here believe, staying focused on all that is wonderful in my life helps to keep me going.  Sure, I've been feeling overwhelmingly fatigued but I fight that with a good, long walk.  Not only does that keep my body moving, it clears the mind and energizes the soul. 

It's good to hear that your positive attitude has reflected back to you and made a difference in your life!

Take care - may we meet again...  

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