Natural remedies??? | Arthritis Information


Hi all!

We are embarking on a scary path to using some sort of long term injection on our 6yo daughter.

She is undiagnosed for now, fevers, pain, illnesss. Very long story but the docs are a bit stuck and about to discuss her case at Paed Rheumy conference to discuss her long term treatment - as she needs something!

We are thinking of trying something natural - a chinese herbalist or something before we put her on something ultra toxic.

She has so far been on nurofen, indomethacin, naprosen, prednisolone, Zantac, ( and Pain Stop to help her sleep on bad pain nights) etc.

I would love to stop the cycle of toxic meds - but think we may have no choice as she has fairly chronic symptoms.

Any ideas about natural brews to even 'take the edge off'?

Love to hear any of your opinions or experiences on this...

Its all very scary....

Nelly far the long path to a diagnosis has been a product of elimination (a very slow one!) do any of you think Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is connected?  Tried one visit to an 'alternative' naturapath and he said (after 2mins) that is what she has ( but he is VERY wierd). Dont know what to think about him yet...haven't told our rheumy but will - seems like a "too hard to pinpoint" diagnosis to me!

I'm so sorry to hear about your precious daughter.  I can't really recommend anything natural but maybe others here can.  I really wouldn't know what they can give a small child on the herbal side of things.  I would say melatonin to help her sleep but really would beg of you to check with her doc first on that. 

I really hope they figure out what is going on and can help her out and get her out of pain.  Please give her and yourself a gentle hug from me. 

Hi Nelly - a parent's worst nightmare must be to have a child suffering. I know a little about chronic fatigue but I believe there is a blood test now to confirm it. I would have thought that 6yrs old is young for CFS but I
know more about treatment than diagnosing it but your dr. should be able to do that.
I trained in homeopathy many years ago and contrary to the rubbish that is printed about it I have seen it work wonders and I think it is the most effective and least toxic form of medicine there is.   It is crucial if you go down this path to find a homeopathy who is a classical homeopath and there will be a homeopathic society that will list those trained in classical homeopathy.   Many drs are now homeopaths but they are not always the best as some do not have the time to put into study but often many drs will work with homeopaths using it as complimentary medicine rather than alternative which I think would be best for a child. There are many dedicated homeopathic doctors out there also.
Whatever you try I hope it brings some relief for your
little girl.

I like to recommend Wild Lingzhi (not cultivated 'Ganoderma Lucidum') a herb recorded and classified as #1 superb herb in a famous Chinese Medical book 3,000 years ago. This herb is known to the Japanese over 2,000 years ago. Today it is cultivated in many countries.

I use Wild Lingzhi for almost 20years and am still taking it. This herb reverses my arthritis to no threat for many years. I shall say a cure. As a natural supplement, my whole family take it very often.

Wild lingzhi not only can address mysterious diseases, it also help to promote and rejuvenate health. Wild lingzhi is our family's treasure. I have not taken a single drug and seen a doc for almost 20 years.

Should you be interested for info, you can contact me.

Good luck in searching!

