Dr. Mercola | Arthritis Information


Has anyone ever gone to Dr. Mercola's clinic? Have you been to his website? I have an appointment next week. I am very excited. Neat Gena!  I really hope what he does for you works for you.  I'm not too totally sure I would drink unpastuerized milk tho.  Might be a little hard on the tummy.  But that might go away over time.  He does have a good diet approach tho.  Please let us know how your visit went and what he says!

I used to go to his website a while back...a friend of mine always would send articles by him to me. 

Looking forward to hearing what he says to you!

Who knows...it could be all crap. However, because he is a doctor my insurance covers all.

There are 14 appointments.. 4 or 5 in the clinic and the rest are phone consultations. I pay a .oo co-pay on the in house visits.

I get bloodwork, metabolic testing, metal toxicity testing, adrenal functions, they look at your nails and eyes and hair and a nutritionist and stuff I haven't heard of.

I am ready for something new!! I will post next week after tests.

I receive Dr Mercola's newletters and will be very interested to hear how you get on.
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