knots on bottom of feet... | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone. Recently, I began to develop little knots on the bottom of my feet. They are about as big as the top of a pancil eraser or just a touch bigger. Some are even smaller than that. They are not painful and are not discolored. Are there anymore ppl who experience this type of problem. If so, what did you do to treat it?tHING THESE ARE CALLED NODULES OR SYNOVIAL LUMPS.  YOU CAN CHECK MOST RA WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFO.  WELCOME!

Hi Ashlea,

Welcome to the board !!  Sorry it took me so long to say hi, I just saw your intro down in the introduce yourself section.  I don't know much about the bumps on your feet....I'm glad they're not painful though.  There are alot of wonderful people here, some who've  had JRA or symptoms since childhood.

I am a 45 year old mother of 2 and was just diagnosed in may.  My son is 12 and was just diagnosed with JRA a couple of weeks ago ( we have suspected him to have it for many yrs, but just got the diagnosis)  We believe the onset was when he was 2 1/2.  He once had a nodule on his wrist that showed up suddenly.  His was about the size of a  garbonzo bean (a little big on a 3 year old wrist) . The lump was not painful, lasted for several months and then just disappeared.

I hope we'll get to know you better, this is a great place to come and visit. 

Glad you're here,
