LadyFox Doctor Appointment | Arthritis Information


Returned from the doctor today with no news still. Since I had been taking Prednisone for the past 15 days she was unable to see any inflammation (duh). My general MD gave them to me when I was unable to get off the table. I would have taken street drugs if they could have helped. His tests indicated that I do have a mild infection that could be inflammation but now ‘she can’t see it.’

She did however give me a barrage of blood test and scheduled an appointment at the main office so I could get X-rays and stuff. Told me that she had a new test for RA that might pinpoint it but also said I could have 10 other diseases that mimic it. (Keep a positive attitude, said Dorothy to the witch) Gave me pain pills ‘just in case’. So, I back in the land of ‘Gee, I don’t know why I can’t stand,” but moving forward. Turtles are underrated. RA count:197.

Decided to treat myself to some new shoes. If I ‘m going to be in pain at least I can look good.

After reading stories you all have gone through I consider myself darn lucky at this point. And darn lucky I found this board.

Welcome and keep us updated on your progress. I love new shoes they really cheer me up , its just my feet that dont like them

Sorry you didn't get more to go on at the dr. I know that can get discouraging. Hang in there. It does get easier in time.


As I was driving to the doctor it dawned on me, what if she tells me 'Yeap you got it gal'. It really depressed me (once again). On one hand I want to know, the other I don't. I'm an emotional mess right now. I even told my hairdresser yesterday to 'spike' my hair. He freaked out as I am very conservative but told him I wanted my hair to look like what I feel inside. Is this normal?

I LOVE MY CROCS, my big ugly red rubbery best friends.

Don't worry- you're reaction is perfectly normal. I got dx about 2 months ago and I still alternate between panic and denial. It took 18 months to get a dx and I felt crazy: I wanted a dx because I thought people must think I was nuts with all the weird symptoms, but I was catching on to the fact that it was progressive & chronic so I didn't want a dx either. Then I thought - what difference does it make - I have it, whether I know what it's called or not, I'm sick anyway.

Kind of funny about the hair - I was in a very bad mood last time I went for a haircut and told the stylist I "want it all just cut off!" Fortunately she is a good friend of mine and convinced me I didn't really want it all cut off, made me a cup of tea and gave me a free paraffin dip for my hands. I owe her big time! It will take some time to get your emotions straightened around. Be patient with yourself, it's okay to feel like that.


Yep, what you felt was perfectly normal.  There are times I look at my hair and I'm like I wonder if I can get all this to stand on end lol.

I hope you get your dx confirmed quickly and get on meds to get you on the road to feeling better!!

LadyFox - a lot of us go to the RD after the GP & prednisone. Pretty much, the same thing happens. The prednisone reduces the swelling and gets rid of a lot of pain. But you can't wait, suffering, for months, until you can get that appointment with the RD. Makes you crazy.

You know what? Getting that diagnosis is not such a big deal - or wasn't, for me. I just want to deal with it - be as healthy as I can be and get on with my life. Once you're really diagnosed, you can start treatment. Treatment is a whole other bunch of frustration, but at least you know you're doing something, and you're slowing the process. The next time you present with some visible symptoms, drive to the RD's office and insist on her at least taking a look. The goal is not to wait until it shows up on x-rays and bone scans.

New shoes. My feet are finally to the point where I think I'm going to buy a pair!
LadyFox, I am not sure if you have RA or not, but I am very sure that you have a great sense of humor. 
Welcome and please keep us posted about you blood test and xrays.

Sorry to hear how your appt went, FoxyLady. It does seem to take sometime for some RD's to diagnois people. I am sure within the next couple of months, yeah I know a loooong wait, you will have an answer and hopefully will be on your way to feeling better.

Please keep us posted.


The more I read about prednisone the faster I want to geto ooooffff of it! please check out Wikipedia about the med. Honestly, what a list of bad things that can happen to you! if you keep taking it. I'm down to 2 from 3 and working on 1-1/2 next week. I'm trying to get on MTX & Remicade, only.


After reading all of your responses I know that I'm not going crazy, at least not yet. I guess crying, anger and bad hair is part of the process. Why don't they tell you that in all the books? Not certain about the shoe thing...I hate trying on shoes but I wanted something to take my mind off the doctor thing and ice cream, which I love, bloats me. Cute shoes or fat belly...can't believe I'm wasting time pondering such things.

Right now the only thing that makes me feel good is laughter and Deanna'a story about cutting her own hair at 3am gives me a good belly laugh.

I had my 3rd rheumy appt last week.  Although RA test positive (over 400) she still says she does not know if I have RA because anti-CCP was negative.  Good luck getting a diagnosis.Yikes! Pjachy, that's just nuts. Do you/have you had swelling and pain to go along with that? Do they have you on anything, or are they twiddling their thumbs? 

Do you mean pain like - "I would rather be in labor" pain?!?!?!   Oh yeah, tons of that.  Some inflammation, although not severe.  Major fatigue.Taking methotrexate.

The only thing worse than not getting a dx from the Rhumy is the Rhumy taking 1 look at you and saying 'Yup you got RA - you could be an RA poster child'.

So maybe it is a good thing that pred really works for you. After all the rhumy didn't kick you out... running tests to help with dx.

Not a poster child...yet.



I bought a lot of new shoes this year because my feet hurt in my old ones - I figured that was one of the few perks!

