Questions about Plaquenil | Arthritis Information


I am new to RA. My doctor hasn't formally diagnosed me yet (calls it "undeclared" autoimmune disease, suspected RA), but she put me on hydroxychloroquine (generic Plaquenil) and Naproxen.  Recently, I stopped taking Naproxen because of strange bruising and stomach problems.  AND ALL MY PAIN RETURNED. I've been on Plaquenil for ten weeks; does this mean it's not going to work? I was sorta hoping that would be it for a few years at least.

My next doctor's appointment is April 23.

Now I'm trying to decide whether or not to start the Naproxen again, despite the side effects. Any advice/ personal experience etc. would be SO appreciated.
Plaquenil is a mild first time starter med for many people with RA.  After 10 weeks with no results, it just might not be working.  Have you tried a different NSAID that might not have as many stomach problems? 

You've got a little more time before you appointment. HOPEFULLY; you'll begin to see some results by then. I'd say keep taking the Naproxen like your doctor prescribed at least until your next appointment and then discuss your fear with him. It's just like taking Aleve; which I persoanlly avoid; but many people take it. It's not much worse than taking Advil; which I do quite often. Those are rough on your stomach and you do hear of some folks having horrible stomach problems; but that doesn't happen to everyone. It's a gamble I guess.

If they can get you on a good DMARD treatment it should be possible to drop the antinflammatory all together but it may take a higher dose of plaquinel or even something like MTX.

I took plaquinel for years after Sulfersalizine stopped working for me. I've always responded quite well to every treatment I've been on....eventually I've had to move on to stronger doses and stronger medications; but the weaker DMARDS don't work for everyone.

Here's to hoping a little time is all you need. The longer you can stay on weaker DMARDS the better off you'll be in the long run.

Hang in there AlleyCat!

Just Advil, but it didn't help too much. The Naproxen didn't seem to help either until I'd been on it for about ten days - then I felt great for a week (that's when I thought/hoped the Plaquenil had started working). I really hate not understanding what's happening - too many variables. I am not thinking too clearly today, sorry if I'm not making sense.  Thanks for the encouragement Lovie....

Did anyone else have weird bruising with any of their NSAIDs or DMARDS?
I took Plaquenil for nearly five months before it kicked in for me. Once it did, I was virtually symptom free for eight years before the RA returned with a vengeance. I'm currently on MTX and Humira, and am virtually symptom free once again.

I suggest that you give Plaquenil at least six months before you consider giving up on it. It's a VERY slow acting drug.
call your doctor and tell him that the naproxen is bothering your stomach  and about the bruising problem.  He can prescribe something else

I took for 5 months and it didn't work for me. I always had some stomach problems when I first took naproxen. My dr put me on relafen and I make sure I eat a little something something and drink a full glass of water with it. I get some gas but that's about it> I would ck out other options. There are lots of meds  and it's all a trial and err until you get something that works.

Best wishes, I hope you feel better soon!

Treefrog - that's good to know. I'll keep my fingers crossed, because I'm really tolerating the Plaquenil well (no side effects).

The Naproxen really worked for me, so I'd like to be able to use it. But for now, I'm going to stay off it, otherwise how will the RD be able to evaluate the Plaquenil?

Everyone has been SO HELPFUL! Thanks.

I'd also suggest asking for something for your stomach.  I take diclofenac which is hard on the stomach so my rheumy also prescribes pariet for my tummy. It took 6 months to kick in for me.  I then went into remission for 3 years.  However, you do need to take an anti-inflamatory with it.