Childrens colds | Arthritis Information


I'm new at this, I seem to get sick everytime my kids and other kids just look at me.  Is this what comes with RA?  Theresa

Everybody is different but it certainly doesn't have to be that way.  I'm in my 5th year now with RA and haven't had anymore than the normal colds, etc. and my wife is a kindergarten teacher. 


As Alan said, everyone is different.  I am much like you....every time someone around me is ill, I get it.  It stinks because then you have to go off your biologic (if it is an infection) and it is almost like starting over.

I keep waiting for it to pass, but it isn't.

Hope you feel well soon


Your immunity is out of wack with ra. I find if you wash your hands alot and try not to touch your eyes or nose it helps. I am a firm believer in Lysol and bleach. If one of kids gets sick....changes are I will probably get it. Ck with your doc maybe you should take some vitamins with extra C.

Immunity definitely varies from person to person.  I read on many RA support groups/lists of people who always seem sick but aside from the fact I cannot move well I am probably one of the healthiest people I know.  Rarely do I get sick.  Aside from getting labrynthitis every few years, I can only think of getting of an episode of a cold, strep throat, and laryngitis in the past 11 years.  I think that is pretty good.  The laryngitis did last for two weeks though, never thought I would talk again.

I digress...when I was first diagnosed, I went through a rash of ear infections.  For 6 months I probably went to the doctor 8 - 10 times for ear issues.  But as far as viruses go, I hold my own.

I wash my hands 40 million times a day.

A few years' back when my son was born and we were totally sleep-
deprived, I was sick a lot.

Now, things are better. I have had RA for almost 10 years, though I
wasn't diagnosed until later.

Best,I have not had a cold or URI for over a year. This concerns me. I just want
to be Normal!