Ya’ll Ever Noticed... | Arthritis Information


that people with health problems...like us just hate or resent having to take pills or meds, but people who are "healthy" will take illegal drugs and pills they really do not need?

I have a many in my family that are like that. I just do not understand the reasoning. Like I have a few in my family that will take pain pills not because they have pain, but they take them for a high.

I use to know someone, who did not even have asthma, use to puff on an inhaler, said he liked the high it gave him.

I use to have asthma, and I hated using my inhaler the meds in it tasted nasty, kinda like rubber. But that idiot liked how it tasted and he did not even need it!!

Then to add to it...they probably would not take meds that they really needed, to make them better.

I wonder why people are like that?

jooniper38539.5566550926Jooniper... i know what u mean... since i have been diagnosed i have been so upset with everything i have learned about RA... mostly all the meds i may have to take and the damage they may do to my body
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