Feel like crap | Arthritis Information


Hi All. Just wanted to let you know I still have this monster and it has not
killed me yet. I have had nausea for 4 days. I have had to take Phenergan
with my Lunesta to get any kind of sleep for the last several nights. Has
anyone on here tried Lunesta? I just came in from raking the leaves, got
chest pain and sick to my stomach. I'm wondering if this RA has affected my
heart some way. I see my doctor next week since I no longer have a
rheumatologist. I'm really tired of this. I can't tell what is RA and what is
not anymore, it all kind of blends in together in one big pot of mud and it is
hard to differentiate symptoms. I feel like I have become a complainer. Ok,
I feel better now. Think I'll give up raking for the day. The five or less
minutes I spent doing it was enough, lol. I hope all is well with everyone.
Glad to see that the board has settled down. Lorster, sorry you are feeling so bad. Is there any chance you have bronchitis? It would explain both the chest pain, nausea and general weakness. And the meds will mask your having it. If you do think it might be your heart, don't hesitate to get that checked out.

Right now, rest. Give in to it. See how your body does with a bit of that.  If you still feel bad, consider going to an Urgent Care. There is always the possibility of heart problems for women even if they don't have RA. But I bet if you just rest, just take it easy, it might settle down.

I have never seen you as a complainer, not by a long shot.
Lorster I am sorry you are not feeling well, I hope the dr can help you when you see him.  Put those feet up for awhile and how about some chamomille tea???   And no you are not a complainer we all have bad days. meme Lorster hunny take it easy.  How is that bronchitis going?  That could explain the chest pain and upset stomach. 

I have only done ambien and it knocked me out big time without any nausea. 

I know this gets tiring trying to figure out what is RA and what isn't RA.  It gets incredibly annoying too. 

I tried Lunesta for a short time and it didn't help me sleep at all. I have had insomnia for many years and we're still trying to find the right thing.

I just went back to Restoril in the last 2 weeks and it seems to help.

I have also had instances where my chest hurt but I didn't really think it was a heart attack. I do have a heartbeat irregularity. A couple of times, if it really scared me, I have taken 1-2 baby aspirin just in case. (I take 1 every night at the suggestion of my doctor.) If you do have to go to the hospital with a heart attack, they will give you baby aspirin first thing. So I've taken it, just in case it really is something is wrong.

Get some rest and be sure to call your doc if it happens again.

Be well!



I am sorry Lorster that you are feeling like crap. I know what you mean about not being able to tell what is RA and what is not. I have been struggling with that for a while now. I have things I just put off as part of RA but probably are not even RA.

I hope you get to feeling better soon, and your doctor appt next week goes well for you. Just do not forget your symptoms when you get to see the dr, I seem to have that problem forget to mention problems I have. Well, I think I'm going to cut these Lunesta in half and wean off of them. I
do not know how I am going to get to sleep at night. I never thought I
would have trouble sleeping. Any one have any non medication ideas for

warm milk with a side of tylenol PM?

I know you said non meds, but I just had to throw in the TPM.

A nice hot toddy!! warm milk, dash of honey and a dash of whiskey.My grandmother -in- law swore by it. Sorry it's not going well for you at present Lorster - and not sleeping certainly doesn't help with the pain.  I am always worse after a non-sleeping night.   Once I get to sleep, I stay asleep - but it's the getting there!!   I also seem go to sleep better at night if I have had a wee nap in the afternoon - maybe just 1/2 hr reading and nod off in the chair.  Lala land really.  Asleep but not asleep if you know what I mean.

Sorry haven't got anything else to offer, other than I hope you feel better soon.

Take Care

I hope you feel better. I know whatyou mean about not knowing what is RA and what is not

I take benedryl at night if I can't sleep, Sorry it is a drug too LOL!!!!

Please feel better

Could you have strained the muscles around your breast bones while raking? I have this problem often. Inflammation in that area and it was really scary at first! I can't seem to do anything strenuous anymore without some fallout. If I
work in my gargen, I can't move my elbow or shoulder for days, if I rake, I
get rib pain, If I do anything on my knees, I can hardly walk for the next few
days. And the stiffness is so bad after any activity, including cleaning the
house, I can hardly get around for days. I guess this is just the RA, letting
me know that I have overdone. Thanks for all your advise. The milk and
whiskey...eeks, that sounds sooo gross, lol. I cannot imagine. But...then
again, maybe I'll give that a try.
This may sound crazy but whenever I'm tossin' and turnin' unable to fall asleep or stay asleep I take Benadryl. For me it works every time. Benadryl is what they put in Tylenol PM, too. 

Know if I were experiencing chest pain I wouldn't wait for my next dr. appt. I'd be going in for an EKG.  Because of the prednisone I now have a heart murmur and wouldn't be taking a chance, especially when heart attacks are the number one killer of women.

I saw the benedrl suggestion..

I sound like a broken (but clean) record. Take a hot bath. Eases pain and tension for me. I can usually sleep easily after a bath.

I take atarax for sleep. I highly recommend it. Its a mild anti-depressant, also used for itching, lol.. Alot of my bipolar friends take it, its none addictive.. The one thing, I do know is I have to sleep!!

Esp w/ ra, your body needs rest and yeah its telling you , you can't do those things anymore and it sucks..

I felt like you did yesterday, and couldn't even post, I took some vicodin and that seemed to help, plus tons of sleep.

hope you feel better and can sleep soon... also Calcium w/ magnisum pills are a natural way to get some zzz's, too.

You have to learn to cut down and stop overdoing it, and I still find it hard, to know my limits, its very frustrating.


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