C’Mon - Cough it Up | Arthritis Information


 OK - Let's do a little survey - I'm having a sleepless night.                                          
                                                               My answers.    I had that all set out neatly, but funny things happened when I hit "Post Reply - Sorry!         Are you a smoker??        &nbs p;     Yes

        How many??                          10-15 per day

        Have you tried to give up??    Twice    &nb sp;

        Do you really want to give up??  Yes Yes Yes

        How much are cigs. where you live??  Generic .75 

Yes, I'm a smoker.

I've tried to quit many times....I smoke between 15 to 20 a day I guess. It's hard to gauge because my husband and I smoke the same brand and once we're home at night we start smoking from the same pack.

their about 3.45 or so a pack here.

I have a friend who got this shot that totally made him stop smoking. It cost about 0 and he had to pay out of pocket; but the insurance company reimbursed him. He woke up the next day and didn't want to smoke.....and hasn't wanted to in many months now. My husband and I are both going to do this soon ourselves. It will be well worth the combined ,200 it will cost us in the end.


Do it Lovie, do it!  I figure if you and your husband are buying about a pack a day each, in 6 months you will have saved the cost of the shots!

I come at this topic from another point of view.  I am the daughter of smokers.  I begged them when I was young to quit smoking.  My father developed his first heart related issues at the age of 39, and eventually after a few failed attempts stopped smoking.  My mother, however, continued smoking.

On the day I got married, my father started smoking again, because of the emotional stress of "losing" his only child.  What a horrible feeling it is knowing that my special day may have been the beginning of the early end to his life.  He made it to age 68, endured two open heart surgeries and a stint, but there was just nothing left of his arteries to work with.  The doctor said they had deteriorated so much they crumbled in their hands as they worked on them.

My mother has had breast cancer, smoked all through her chemo treatments.  They didn't allow smoking in the cancer center where she went for her treatments, so she and other smokers would push their IV chemo drips outside with them to smoke.  Her breast cancer went into remission and then she developed heart trouble and needed a stint.  She couldn't wait to get out of the hospital so she could have a cigarette.  The next issue that followed was cancerous growths on her back and radiation treatments.  Now she has developed a lump in her other breast, and will be seeing a surgeon for it on Tuesday.

My 17 and 21 year old sons smoke and it is devastating to me.  They are young and feel invincible, and figure they can stop later, when they are older.  Right now it's okay.   But it isn't, because as all of you who smoke know, the addiction is real, and not easily overcome.

Please, I beg all of you, for your husbands, and children, and everyone who loves you, please do whatever it takes to stop.  The tears I am crying as I type this are real, and the loss is real.  You are already facing serious illnesses, don't make your life shorter by smoking.

Hillhoney39187.3718171296I was also brought up by smoking parents and I hated it!  This was in the 1940's and 50's when it was considered the thing to do. I remember my Mom telling other women to smoke because it kept you thin. When we would go on trips I would be in the back of the car lying on the floor crying and trying to avoid the smoke.  And I hated the smell of smoke on my clothing and my body.  I could even taste it in my Mom's cooking. It was horrible!
My Dad died with emphysema and of course was on oxygen 24/7 and he would remove his oxygen so that he could smoke.  Doesn't make sense does it?  But it is after all a drug.
There is one city in my state that has banned smoking in vehicles with children present.  And they have made several arrests.
So Lovie and all of you, please try to stop.

I haven't smoked for about 6 years now.  I used to smoke a pack a day (25) and so glad that I've quit.  I feel so much better.  I smoked off and on (quit many times for a period of time and then went back to it) when my children were both younger and am glad to say neither one of them smoke.


Never even tried it once.  It just smells so yucky.  Plus, with asthma I always avoided smoke and still do! I am a smoker on the brink of quitting.  I am down to less than a half pack a day.  I just gotta take the last plunge and quit.  I am not a smoker, never tried them. See too many of the end results.
There is nothing worse than watching someone gasping for their last breath
which goes on for years before they finally cannot take it anymore and die.
But, let me remind you...I have plenty of other bad habits,lol.

OK, I'm gonna have to preach to you all....

Please stop smoking.  It is by far the best thing you can do for your health. 

See, that wasn't too bad, huh?


I smoke about 15-20 cigarettes a day.  They cost about .00 a pack here.  I've tried a few times to quit - once even went four years before smoking again.  My reason has always been the weight gain.  I bought a box of nicotene patches and am going to try again tomorrow.  Oh ya, I started smoking when I was 27 (after kids) - old enough to know better!!Aw - thanks Phats - that was VERY gentle!!  But see, we are trying 

I used to smoke, and quit cold turkey.  I never looked back.  Of course, before that successful time, I had "quit" many times before.  It is very hard.  I found the habit, not necessarily the cigs were my problem.

Keep trying...one of these days it will stick!



I am getting a script for Chartix to quit since I cant use the patch.  I have quit before with just the patch but with the hypertension I can't use the darn things now.I once took care of a heroin addict. He told me that giving up heroin was
much easier than when he tried to quit smoking. So, I know it is a really
hard thing to do. Good luck to all of you. At least you are trying.

I've only quit smoking once - just over two years ago - and I'm still a non smoker. I'm sure success lies in really wanting to stop and wish my 'moment' had come much sooner. I used patches as I'd realised for me it was nicotine addiction and they really worked, the habit was easy to deal with by just keeping occupied. I really hope you guys get your determined 'moment' soon - you know it's bad for your health, a drain on the bank balance and I'm afraid you, your clothes and your home are stinky.

Try getting an online quit meter and at least pretend you've quit and see how much it's costing and how many you smoke - I think something like whyquit.com does one. Give it a whirl.

Girls - you don't need smokes! Be sweet!

Not a smoker,  never ever smoked, not even a taste. Hubby  same thing, never ever.

Both parents smoked, dad very heavily, about 4 packs a day of Pall Malls. Mom lightly, maybe 5-7 a day.  Both parents quit cold turkey the day the original surgeon general's  report  came out in 1964. 

Dad died Jan 20, 1969, of complications of the Hong Kong Flu, brought about by undiagnosed emphysema. He was 47. I was 15, my sister was 13.

Hubby's parents also smoked heavily until he was about 7. He hated it.

My son who is 23 smokes like a chimney, my daughter less so.

We were just appalled when we were in PA over  Easter break and all the restaurants had smoking areas. NY  has eliminated smoking in ALL public buildings.. Its so nice..

Off soapbox.

CHANTIX...it really works!!!!

I smoked for 25 years and tried everything under the sun to quit...nothing worked! In Jan. I started Chantix and here it is April and I have still not smoked!!!

My husband and aunt stopped as well with Chantix. I do not understand how it works really...all I know I did not become the mega b***h that I did in the past. It made it so much easier!!

Try it!!!

If you are talking about cigarettes, nope, never smoked them!
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