PMR and Wine | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have problems or a flare up after having 2 -3 glasses of wine.  I enjoy wine, but the next day I do not feel as well.  Is it a coincidence or does alcohol react negatively with PMR. 

I am so glad I found ya'll.  Such a help to no I am not the only person who hurts like this, even while taking prednisone and Arava.





yes - exactly the same, although I know from previous discussions on
another site that it doesn't affect a lot of people. I haven't had a drink since
Christmas day - but the upside is that for someone who was already
overweight and with high blood pressure, I've dropped 2 trouser sizes and
my blood pressure is down quite a bit compared with before I went on the
prednisolone. Suppose there's a message there somewhere - but I did enjoy
the wine!

Hi Margaret:

Thanks for the reply.  Were you trying to lose weight, what dosage of prednisone are you on now?  Do you think the weight loss was from not having wine?  I do enjoy the wine, one of the few things that is enjoyable during this time of pain.  Thanks,


I went to a wine party last night where we had a meal and sampled a half dozen wines.  I suppose all-in-all I had two glasses entirely.  I don't feel any different today.

I am now on 3mg of prednisone a day and 8mg of Methotrexate once a week.  I see my Rhemy the first week in June and I will be off of prednisone by then and she said then we would see about cutting back on the Methotrexate.

When I was taking more prednisone I didn't have as many aches and pains.  Right now the pain is in those two cords between my legs.  And of course the pelvic pressure at night. 

They only wine I drink is at the wine parties a couple times a year and I don't drink any other alcoholic beverages.  When you are on Methotrexate you aren't supposed to drink alcoholic beverages.  When I asked about it, the Rhemy said that probably that amount wouldn't hurt.  I probably shouldn't even drink the amount of wine that I do when on the Methotrexate.

Hi Maria

I had been loosing weight very slowly before diagnosis, not sure if that
was the PMR starting, going to the gym to rehabilitate last year's broken
foot, or the new puppy needing much longer walks than the old dog. The
weight loss stopped when I went on 40mg pred, and I expected all the
side effects like weight gain, balloon face, high blood pressure etc. I did
get the balloon face, but it went when I got down to 12mg. I think the
weight loss started again at about 15mg (I don't weigh myself, just go by
which clothes I can get into), and has continued. I think it is a
combination of things - not drinking alcohol, walking more (to try and
keep my bones strong and to try and exhaust the puppy) and also being
fortunate with the side effects of pred. A lot of people say they crave
sweet things - if anything, it has put me off.

I've been trying to loose weight for years - but PMR is a drastic way of
eventually doing it!I stopped drinking wine for Lent and have decided to stay w/abstinence because I do feel better, sleep better, etc and truly want to keep my body in the healthiest condition it can be in in order to get off the presently down to 7mg and keeping my fingers crossed.  I truly love wine...and found it helped me to relax and feel better at the end of the day.  But the one glass became two, the two glasses became three and I figured this is not where I want to be. in the evenings I have tonic water (which helps w/leg cramps at night) and add some ginger juice (I juice fresh ginger in our heavy duty juicer) which is a good anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.  I also put some ginger juice in my tea in the morning.  I don't know if this is psychological or not, but I am feeling much better and able to handle the reduction in prednisone easier..knock wood!   I know it is hard to give up the wine...and will probably have some on special occasions...but right now my priorities are to escape from prednisone and pmr...good luck to you in whatever you decide to do!

Thank you all for your replies.  They are very encouraging.  I can see very q2uickly that I can learn a lot for you all.

Thanks again.



I have 2-3 glasses of wine a few times a week and I feel Ok, so I doubt if you feel worse when taking wine.

