Is RA and an autoimmune disease or not? | Arthritis Information


Okay, RA is not an autoimmune disease from what I am picking up on the posts in here.  So what is RA then?  What is lupus?  What is scleroderma?  What is mixed connective tissue disease?  What is overlap?  All of those ARE autoimmune diseases - read The Autoimmune Connection - it is an invaluable book.  Sorry I can't remember the author.Yes they are all autoimmune disease's.  My rheumy told me I suffer from the over lapping issue due to having RA, osteo, and Fibro, now possibly scleroderma, which I go for tests in the next day or so, wont find out for sure about that dreadful D. till May 7th when I see her agin to go aover tests,  so the over lap is just that, say when you have more than one connective tissue issue going on with your body, (at least I hope I said that correct)  may I ask, do you have more than one issue going on? If so that would be called the overlap, i hope you can understand my rambling.Annalee - I was being sarcastic, a nasty trait.  I am getting the impression that "just having RA" seems to be in some special category in here.  I know they are all autoimmune diseases.  And yes, I have multiple autoimmune disease diagnosis, in a very rare situation.  Take care ~~ Cathy

I see Cathy :) I miss understood. Hope you can have a good day today! At least the sun is shining out there, that gives me a smile :)

Well, actually, no one knows because auto-immunity is theoretical. It's the
one that's in style with the medical world right now, but that approach sure
isn't providing answers. Personally, I think it's a bit far fetched that my
immune system was going along fine then it suddenly and for no good
reason just decided to start attacking my body. There are other theories. I
favour the infection one. In that one, my immune system is doing what it's
supposed to be doing, which is hunt out and kill infection in my body. It just
happens the infectious stuff is where the immune system can't get it. But it
keeps trying......we all know how it keeps trying.