My Jack LaLanne Power Juicer | Arthritis Information


Has anyone gotten into juicing??? I have been having such a great time experimenting. I think I have the perfect recipe for a greens juice.

Collard, Kale, Celery, Carrot. 1/2 an apple OR pear & 1/2 a lemon.

It is soooo good. I have been replacing one meal a day with my greens drink. It has to be good for me ...right??


Is that really good? 

I haven't tried juicing, but I recently went to 75% (or more) RAW.  I feel a ton better and have even lost a few lbs

They say drinking that green smoothie daily is supposed to be really good for you.

Let me know how it turns out.

I want to try it, but I don't want to spend the money for a Jack juicer.



Dear GenaRogers, I haven't gotten into juicing, I've heard 'the pulp is good for us, so juicing eliminates that? Right? Let us know if you feel great,better, terrific after your juice drink meal. Fresh is good! Oh, by the way Jack LaLanne and his wife live near me here on the California Coast. He drives his red corvette around town! Enjoy your drink, it sounds good to me!


I go through stages when  I juice but the juicer is such a pain to clean it never lasts long.  Beet juice is great for cleansing the liver (all of us on MTX) and is sooo sweet, you can add it to anything.  Just don't put too much carrot and beet together or it will be too sweet to drink.   Apple, beet, celery and carrot is a nice drink.

I agree with adding some protein powder in there and you have a really healthy meal replacement.

I just might get my juicer back out and have another bash at healthy living.  Now that my blood sugar is starting to be problem as well as my weight and BP. 

Thanks for the reminder

I'll try a little protein powder tomorrow. I just hope it doesn't make it "grainy". I am currently off dairy and wheat and who knows why I feel better...the juicing or the diet.

Hi Gena,

Your jucing is very inspirational!  I would like to get one some day.  How are you doing being off dairy, wheat & sugar?  Was it hard to stop them?  I need to do that myself, but my willpower has been pretty lacking lately.  Unfortunately, those items comprise most of what I eat (which is not good!).  Maybe I'll try again this week.  Do you need a juicer or can you do it in a blender?Oh and you CAN use the pulp that you have as a result of the juicing.    So you get the benefit of the concentrated, pure juices AND the fibre in other things.  Throw a lump of vegetable fibre into your soup or spaghetti sauce or pot of stew.  The kids don't even see it coming.  Fruit pulp can be used in muffins or fruit cookies or cakes.