Alternative for childrens cough meds | Arthritis Information


Ok so Kelsay is very sensitive to EVERYTHING and her allergies are really bothering her and she has a cough from it too, i gave her Benadryl and Claritan but they arent really helping her.  Those 2 meds are the only thing i can give her so far otherwise she literally climbs the walls LOL we had one of those corner things that holds the stuffed animals and we caught her litterally swinging from it cause "she wanted to sit in a hammock".  So i cant give her anything else does anyone have any suggestions for me? Her skin is even so sensitive that i still have to wash her clothes in baby degergent and she has really bad ecxema. Any suggestions would be appreciated

Or licorice tea.

My son is also allergic to everything. He is three and spent his first two
years covered in hives.

My dr. is very against any cough med. for kids. In fact, my 4 year old
nephew developed pneumonia after being given pediatric robitussin. It
suppressed the cough.

I use those plug in vaporizers. The ones with the medicine in it that
plugs into the outlet for a one time use. There are quite a few out there.
I also use a cool mist humidifer. That being said...have you talked to her
pediatrician about different allergy meds? There are a ton out there and
you just have to find the right one. Nathan takes singulair. Benedryl has
him jumping off the walls as well!!


Three of my kids have asthma and eczema too.  They have had a bad cough that wouldn't go away.  The only thing that worked for it was Triaminic long acting cough.  I would just use it at night so that they could sleep.  It was a godsend. 

I don't know if your daughter can take it or not.  If so, I highly recommend it!


Any of the triametic cough meds.  I gave her her inhalar tonight and it seemed to help for a bit but we will see.  Thanks for all your help everyone :DWhat are you using for the excema? I am still looking for the solution.
Right now the allergist has me putting Eucerin on his skin. He told me to
keep it in the fridge so it will be cool when applied.

I also give him aveeno baths. Still, his upper arms get itchy and also
around his mouth.

Beckythe dr has given her a bunch of different precriptions but non seem to do any good, i do give her baths about every other night and it seems to help.  And if i use regular detergent on her clothes it seems to flare up or if she has had a lot of juice Have you called her ped for new allergy meds?  My doc does a script cough medicine that also helps them sleep at night.  yea shes been on the cough med that helps you sleep butyea shes like me and it keeps her up...Im going to call them in the morning probably, we'll see how she wakes up tomorrow Does she have a nebulizer for albuterol?  That also helps my kids when they are coughing alot?  The nebulizer works much better than an inhaler!No she doesnt have a nebulizer, the dr wrote her a script for an AeroChamber.  We just put the inhalar to it and do it like an adult and she just takes a bunch of deep breaths, the dr said that since she is able to do it this way to go this route first, hopefully her asthma doesnt get bad enough where we will need a nebulizer.  My BIL had to have one growing up my hubby says.  And i had really bad asthma growing up so its somewhere in the genes...As long as she doesnt get RA i dont care...My son used a nebulizer too, and we often ran it with just the saline to loosen his cough (this was on the advice of the pediatrician).  Also, a friend who is an accupuncturist showed us some accupressure points near the collarbone that seemed to help a little - you'd have to ask for help locating them.

Our doctor told us that the best way to treat our son's eczema was to bathe him only rarely. I know this sounds a little gross, but we limited his baths to once a week (diaper area regularly of course) and eliminated his eczema. Also, we never used any soap or lotion except shampoo once weekly.  That may sound gross, but our doctor was pretty adamant about it and it worked. It would only reappear when he started swimming.

All this is not to say that we successfully avoided conventional medications. Our asthmatic son has used most of them at one time or another. For a while, the only thing that relieved a really terrible nighttime cough was a prescription expectorant with codeine.  We sort of hated to use it, but when we did his coughs went away much much faster and we were able to use less medication over all.
Yea that cough medicine w/ codine works wonders but it keeps her up and makes her goofy lol....Isnt it weird how we get so many different suggestions for the same aliament.  My dr said to bathe her alot.  Its no wonder we are all confused