Roll call | Arthritis Information


Just checking in that all our UK friends are safe and accounted for. I'm
thinking of you guys


                   Just woke sad and so sorry

                               God Bless You All !!

My first thoughts were of my friends here when I saw Tony Blair on the news this morning.

I so remember how scary all of that can be. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.


I second everyone's well wishes to our UK friends.  I didn't hear until I got into my car to head to work.  I admit to relaxing some since 9/11 but this is just another reminder that we can't.  Take care everyone!Thank you for the supporting messages. It is very sad over here right now! It's just been reported that there are more than 33 deaths confirmed but a firm number yet to be announced. In a way we should be thankful that the number is below 50 and not in the hundreds. It's still so tragic though for all of the people that have lost family and friends. Mobile phones are down everywhere in London because of the overload of phone calls that the networks are having to deal with so people are unsure whether their relatives/friends are okay or not! It's gradually sorting though and slowly things are getting back to normal. God bless,and hope your all okay over there. We will all be praying for you.GOD BLESS SherryJenna,  I just read this thread and put on the news.  My heart breaks for you and all of UK.  I visited London a decade ago, it is a lovely place.  I am so sad that this ugliness is going on the world.  My prayers are with you.  Roxanne 


When will they learn, no-one has ever been able to stop the British picking up and starting again.  This nation is stronger than they will ever be!

Sorry, but I am just so angry about yesterdays events.  My heart goes out to everyone in the capital.


My heart goes out to all the people of the UK as they try to deal with this tragedy.


Just a quick update! Apart from a few closures to our transport system, our city is more or less back to normal. People are getting on with their lifes and showing that we are strong enough to get through this. The death toll is still rising everyday and there are many people yet to be found. It is so sad to see the family and friends of those missing on TV pleeing for their loved ones to be found. We must not forgot the poor people and their families who have suffered because of the few sick people in our world who choose to cause such tragedy. The events have shown just how strong and supportive our nation is. Thanks for all of the supporting messages, lets hope the people behind the bombings are found and punished for their actions. x
