Chantix...It really works!! | Arthritis Information

Share really works!!!!

I smoked for 25 years and tried everything under the sun to quit...nothing worked! In Jan. I started Chantix and here it is April and I have still not smoked!!!

My husband and aunt stopped as well with Chantix. I do not understand how it works really...all I know I did not become the mega b***h that I did in the past. It made it so much easier!!

Try it!!!

What is Chantix? Can you give more info about it?

It is a new prescription drug to help you quit smoking.I was the 1st patient my ob/gyn prescribed it to.

You pick a day you want to quit, then begin taking it for 7 days before you quit. That allows it time to get in your system so on the day you actually quit it makes it easier. Talk to your Dr about. Insurance does not normally cover it. It cost me 0 for a 30 day supply. It suggests you take it fo 12 weeks.

It really works!!!


Did you get sick to your stomach at first? My son got some free samples from his dr. and tried it but he said it made him really sick. We're really disappointed. His Dr. said this could be one of the side effects. I'm wondering if he should have stuck with it that maybe that would have gone away. He would have had to have missed work though, for he didn't know how many days.

YAY!!!  Thatis what hubby and I have scripts for!!!!  He is a way heavy smoker and I am glad to see it works.  I mught not need it if he doesnt smoke in the house.  I am going to get that for him and try to hold off for me.  I quit once cold turkey with using the patch for about 2 weeks.  I can do that again...if I can use the patch and high blood pressure.  If not...looks like I'm going at it cold!

So glad it worked for you!! Whoohooo!

My dad took Zyban, also not covered by insurance...but he's only taking it about once every 3 days now, so he can drag out his prescription longer.

Good for you!!It is too bad insurance companies do not cover this. Problems from
smoking are so costly to the insurance companies. Maybe we need to write
to our congressmen and women to get this changedYaaaay Lisa!  I think I will also ask my Dr about trying it.  I had it on my list of questions for my last appt. but ran out of time and she sees me for an hour.