Feeling fantastic.... | Arthritis Information


Mentally. I mean, I am REALLY noticing a difference from 30mg of the Cymbalta to 60mgs. Although, I did lose a couple lbs over the weekend.

BUt it hasn't put a dent in my pain. If anything, today, I was worse than normal. And am still stiff at 4pm, even WITH my percocet. Isn't the Cymbalta supposed to lessen my pain?? (thats how they put it at the Drs office)

Interesting, very interesting.

I have an appointment with a new RD on June. I'm seeing like 5-6 Dr's & Residents at once. hahaha. Should be interesting!!

I think feeling ok mentally will go a long way. I know when I feel ok mentally, my pains and struggles do not seem to make me snippy. Like today I was pretty snippy, because I hurt everywhere, and then I have so many things I need and want to do, but the pain I will endure outweighs me getting something done that will just be messed up again by the next evening.

Hope the new RD appt goes well. Keep us posted. YAY!!  I bet DH is much happier now that you are snappy!  LOL!  I loves yas girlie!  Feeling good emotionally goes a loooooooooooooong way in feeling better physically also.  We need to get your pain under control!!! 
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