Insurance paid for Remicade!! | Arthritis Information


Boy, that was a close call, the first receptionist said, "NO WAY" insurance will not pay, then I got a call a 2PM, we are 'good to go'!

So Thursday, I'm off to my 4 remicade infusion. Geeeeeze, I hope this works, I want off of the prednisone,


I'm glad that it worked out Sarah!Yeah! Sarah. So happy for you.

That's great Sarah! One for the home team!!

Hope it helps make you feel better.


YAY!  Glad that worked out for you.  It always bites to fight the insurance company.  They hate me lol.  But hey...ya gotta do what ya gotta do to make yourself well!Go Sarah!! Congrats on getting the OK. Sometimes these insurance companies are
almost human :)Hi sarah i dont blame you for wanting to get off the prednisone. I get pednisolone diabetes so also need insulin when on it. and my family cant handle me when i take it as it affects my moods something cronic. so i hope the remicade works well for you. all the best .ally

Hi all, Thanks so much you are the BEST!!

Thanks for your understanding,


Glad to hear your good news Sarah. Here's to hoping it's exactly what you need to get your feeling your best.

Good Luck!

Yay!!   That's just great!!!