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Has anyone checked out this website? It is awesome. You go on, put in your
info. They track your entire diet. All you do is put in what you eat, they
calculate calories and all nutrients. They also guide you through an exercise
program, water consumption and more. There is also a place to blog. It has
many sponsors and probably is an attempt to get some of us to eat better.
Check it out, it is pretty kewl.   Oh, and it is free!!lorster39188.920775463its a great site.  it focuses on sensible weight loss, no fads for themOoooh! Checked that out. It's great. There are so many helps on there. Exercises, recipes, motivation, positive thinking, forum.

I had to sign up because I need something like this right now to help make the progress I need with losing weight and keep progressing with my exercises.

Thank you so much for sharing this, lorster. This is thing really is free. And it is very well thought out.
Yeah, my daughter told me about it and i figured as with everything else on
the internet, there must be a catch. No one does this much work and then
does not expect a monthly payment. I think there are plenty of corporations
paying to keep this site up. Its what we need to start bringing obesity down.
I have 65pounds to lose right now and it is the hardest thing for me. It is
nice to have all the guess work done for you. I think it will help me stay
focused. Did you see that they even have a grocery list for all the stuff you
need to buy for a week. That is so nice. I hope more people here that need
to lose weight, look at this site.