East Coast | Arthritis Information


I hope everyone that is going through the storms are doing okay!!!

My thoughts are with you!!!!

As far as NC goes, the storm was a bust.  We had some wind (about 40 mph) and some rain.  Not sure what the rain totals were but I dont think it was that much.  I have family on Long Island and they said it was nothing also.  I have heard that the North Shore of Long Island had a rough time with flooding.  But all my people are on the south shore and they said it was windy and rainy but nothing like they predicted.

Hope everyone else fared as well.


In Connecticut we're in dealing with a lot of flooding.  Many roads ae closed, and some rivers aren't peaking until tomorrow evening, so more flooding is expected.

Personally, my basement ended up with 4-5 inches of water over the entire basement.  Many of my son's videotapes and books which were still in their boxes from where he brought them back from college were destroyed.  It definitely was the worst flooding we have experienced in the 21 years we have lived in this house.

When we purchased the house we had a termite treatment done, where they drilled holes in our concrete basement floor, injected in a termite treatment and then poured a concrete patch into the hole.  One of those holes "blew" and water was bubbling up from the floor like a fountain.  Wooo hoo - I always wanted a water fountain in my home!

We have used a sump pump and have gotten rid of most of the standing water.  Now comes the fun of going through everything, throwing out things that were damaged, and then treating everything with a bleach/water treatment to try and stop mold growth.  I wish I could work like I used to - this seems like an overwhelming task to me right now, and I know this is going to hurt so much.  Yuck, yuck yuck!

Hope everyone else survived okay.


In Central NJ, there are parts that are really, really bad.  I'm close to them, but fortunately where I live (my current apartment and the new condo I'm buying 2 miles away) there wasn't any serious flooding.

However, the water pump in the apartment basement broke and as a result of the rain pouring down there, we had no heat or hot water until 4 pm.  At least we had electricity!

Yesterday, I couldn't go to work because of the flooding, and this morning my 30 minute commute took 2 hours because of all the traffic pushed onto the roads that aren't closed.  I'm not used to that kind of commute anymore and it really did me in...I'm feverish, swollen and stiff.  I hope it's not as bad going home this afternoon.

And I just feel so badly for those in the real flood zones.  Many were evacuated, some lost their homes due to fires (the fire trucks couldn't get to them because of the flooding), and there is so much damage to homes and businesses.  It is almost as bad as Floyd in 1999.

Daisy, thanks for thinking of all of us!


It is a beautiful day in Phoenix. We had wind over the weekend.

 You can laugh at us this summer when the temp is above 115 and it is still over 100 after midnight. You need hot mitts to open your car doors and to hold the steering wheel. 
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