Still feel like crap | Arthritis Information


I have been sick, upset stomach, headache and weird sharp pains
throughout my body. Is this a flare? I just don't even want to leave the
house. Do any of you ever feel like this and do you consider it a flare? My
joints are a bit stiff but don't hurt, just the rest of my body, like I have the
flu. And my skin feels like it has been sun burned.

I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly. I honestly don't know if it is a flare or not. It might actually be the flu, although this should be the end of flu season.

I don't really feel quite like that very often. I seldom get an upset stomach unless they've started me on a new med.

Where are the sharp pains? Has your doc ever mentioned neuropathy? I don't think that would account for everything, but I know mine often makes my skin hurt really bad. It sometimes hurts to even cover up with a sheet or get dressed. In fact I almost always wear loose clothing because of the pain.

I hope you feel better! If not, you might want to call your PCP. Please let me know how you are doing.

Gentle hugs,



Sorry you feel like crap. I get that way every now and again. I don't if it's a flare or not but I feel like crap all over. Just like you said. I hope it lets up for you soon!

take care


Sorry you are so sick. I had what I thought was the flu in January but then after that everything else went downhill fast. Sort of made me think - what was first? The flu or the flare. Anyway, it doesn't matter as much as that you feel better soon. Just rest, rest rest. Hope you feel better soon.


lorster, A flare certainly does feel like the flu to me. It generally occurs after I've been sick or stressed. I do hope that you feel better. Best to try and rest, and remember that if you are flaring your body needs TLC. Ginni

Yes I get like that...I just consider it a bad day, or 2 or 5. Sometimes the next week my DH gets the flu. Sometimes he does not. If it comes on suddenly with sharp pains in joints and muscles, usually with a headache the barometer took a dive. But that doesn't last a whole day (usually), but increased achiness and stiffness can  stay for quite a while.

I seldom know I have a bug unless I get a sore throat and stuffed head. Not very helpful, but I do hope you feel better soon. 

There are times I do get nauseated with a flare.  I'm not sure why your skin feels the way it does.  I have experienced being so achy that it hurt to touch my skin and clothes rubbing on it drove me nuts. 

I am so sorry you are feeling so badly.  If you aren't feeling better in a couple of days please call your doc!  We don't want you getting any worse!!!! 
