Humira and strange reaction | Arthritis Information


I have just had my Humira injection and now i feel like i have ice water going through my veins and i keep coming up in goosebumps.........anyone had this ( its not cold today. its very warm)

I often had that. It felt as if you had cold chills.....but you aren't cold. Mine often occured in just one leg; or just one arm.

I was taken off of Humira; but I'm still having this sensation on occations. Not sure if it was related to the Humira or not.

Strange sensation

My doctor took me off Humira Pin becasue I was having a lot of tingling/numbness in my hands, feet arms and legs. Humira has been known to bring on symptoms simular to MS. I've increased my MTX since stopping Humira and have managed quite well. I still have problems.....but I had problems when I was on Humira; so I don't think their any worse. I was never 100% symptom free although Humira did allow me to get to a point where I manage very well.

I do believe some of the tingling/numbness has gone away; but now my doctor thinks I may have CTS. My hands go completely numb at night while I sleep. It's really painful and scary to be honest. He wants me to wear wrist braces at night for a while and see if that helps.

I'm not sure if the Humira was the cause of my problems or not....but that's why I was taken off of it. So far I'm happy with my progress since stopping the injections (Which I hated!).
