hi,i am a newcomer too | Arthritis Information


Hi, my name is Heather and i am from South Wales in the U.K. I have been suffering from arthritis for about 12yrs or more and it is gradually getting worse the older i get! I am waiting for a letter from my consultant to start on Methotrexate,tried lots of medication but nothing seems to work for long, i am currently on Sulphasalazine and have been having injections every couple of months to help with the pain. I am a bit wary of taking MTX as there seems to be lots of side effects but i am going to give it a try and see how it goes, is there anyone out there who is on this drug and have they found it beneficial?



I was just diagnosed with RA in January and my Dr. wants to put me on Methotrexate also and I'm trying to get info on side effects too.  I know it's a chemo agent and I have read up on it but I think I would rather get info from someone who is actually taking it

Whoever is out there and on MTX please get back to us.  It would be appreciated.










Hi Heather and Imurphy, I'm Genesis and new here also, my sister was diagnosed with RA last May and it has been a horrible experience for her so far. This message board is full of very nice people with all kinds of arthritis and asspciated probs with it.You will find that most meds work great for some and not for others. As for the side effects, well... I guess it all depends on the individual. You probably won't know till you try them.My sister has tried several, MTH, Humira, and now is on Remicade plus massive amounts of prednisone 75mgs down to 20 mgs and hopefully back to 7.5 soon. The MTX didn't do as well as we hoped for her but some people here love it. She had thinning hair, liver probs, and lung probs while on it. The Remicade seems to be a little better for her.  She is 67 and it's been almost a year with not vey much good results. People here say the meds sometimes take a year or more to really work well, I hope you guys have better luck and quick relief . Also the MTH is a cancer fighting drug but is in much larger amounts  than for RA. Just pray your Dr. is a knowlegeable Dr. about this disease. Good luck and God bless you both.    Genesis
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