Psoriatic Arthritis Question | Arthritis Information


Can someone tell me more about this type of arthritis?  I had my first appt. with a rhemutologist on Monday.  He suggested I see a dermatologist about possibly haveing psoriasis.  I have red, scaly spots on my legs and another doctor had said it was a fungus but treatment didn't help - - the rheumatologist said it was definitely not a fungus.

The doctor is awaiting the results of my blood work and x-ray tests before giving me his diagnosis, although he believes it is RA.

This is probably a stupid question, but could the psoriasis be connected to pain and joint problems in my hands, wrists, and knees? 


Oh yes.  My Dr is quite certain that I have PA and I don't even have any Dx'd Psoriasis yet.  My mother, grandmother and great grandmother along with many aunts had bad Psoriasis and he said that I could just have the arthritis part.  I most definately have pain, stiffness and swelling in my joints and he also said there is not a definitive test for PA.

I must say that there are red spots on my legs and arms that so far my Dermatologist also said was not Psoriasis but she only looked and now it is getting worse. 

Flamingo, i have psoriatic arthrits, and only get redness in my belly button,and sorry to be explisive, my Butt crack :) it comes and goes. also i had the pain in my joints,fatigue,and achyness before i ever got those spots. RA,and Pa are treated with the same meds.



I have PA, I only ever had a small patch of psoriasis on the base of my scalp. The joint pain came on a few years ago. I was told it was tough to diagnose as it often doesn't show up on bloods so it's more a case of eliminating other things and matching up symptoms. It is possible that you have psoriasis and RA though - only 10% of people with psoriasis get PA so it's not a given. I hope you get some help - it seems that the treatments for both PA and RA are quite similar so your Rheumatologist may be able to start treatment even before they have a firm diagnosis.


I'm one of those that fall in that small percentage of people who was diagnosed with a severe onset of RA and later developed PA.  PA was confirmed by xrays of my hands.  To date I've not developed any psoratic plaques but like others I have some unexplained red areas on my legs.  I just went to the dermatologist and he said it was "fungal" and prescribed a cream.  Like the good patient that I am I've been using it with no results in how the site looks.  I've been in the tropics for 4 months so I thought it might be fungal, but now I think it's just a red spot on my leg. 

For me the pain of PA has been worse than the RA pain and more difficult to come to terms with and to treat.  My hands, elbows and shoulders don't want to march to the same music as my larger joints and continue to be painful with 400 mg. of Remicade and 20 mg. of MXT.  My RD will probably increase Remicade this week and we'll see what happens.  I'm only getting intermittent relief.  Also, PA has erroded my bones faster than RA so I think it's really important that anyone that has PA find the magic combination of drugs so the damage slows.  I'm trying.  Don't wait around to start treatment.  Start as soon as possible.   


LinB39191.4278240741I have pa too, my pa is doing well right now but the psoriasis is terrible, we have done all the meds etc., I am now going to the old fashion treatment of the tanning bed and it is helping I lay or stand for 15 minutes every other day and it is starting to help.  When I was in severe pain the psoriasis was in check but now it is reverse.  I have it on my scalp, legs, torso, behind, arms,chest, and even my  ears.  I get it, please excuse the indelicacy, in the groin, under the breasts, and even at times in the armpits, on and off, it depends on the stress level at work.  I use olive oil on the plaque areas before putting pjs on at night and when the scalp is really itchy I use the olive oil on my scalp massage it in wait 10 to 15 minutes then wash my hair with Paul Mitchell tea tree oil, it is wonderful and part of the money you pay goes to the rain forest funding.  If it is still itchy behind the ears, place some aquaphor on the spots it will soften it up and it is not so itchy.  There is info on pa at your neighborhood library it will be with the the other arthritis books, Barnes & noble had a couple books too.  Pa can mimic ra since it can attck your joints, , it can affect the soft tissue, muscle, example is your hands, favorite spot besides neck,, spine and toes. Unfortunately for some of us with pa we also  have to deal with the skin issue too and it is not pretty and it can make your self esteem be zilch.  I hope this helps you out.   meme


I was diagnosed with PA. I had my first bad bout with psoriasis about a year and a half ago, covered my chest and back, went to dermatologist and it was under control. Then finally went to RD and negative blood tests, but diagnosed with PA, treating it same as RA. For a psoriasis diagnosis, you should have a biopsy...that's what they did with me. And yes, my hands, wrists, ankles and feet hurt all the time. Other joints are more intermittent, like the knees, hips and sometimes the back. Hope that helps.

DEar Flamingo, I jsut chatted with a young woman who has PA, during my Remicade treatment,  and from what she said "don't delay treatment' if your doctor says you have it. Joint pain is, for sure, part the the whole PA thing (there are 5 different kinds!! of that particular nasty stuff! ),

Good luck with the info from the doctor, and please let us know! Okay?,Sarah

sometimes the psoriasis starts first then the pa. but like me i dont have any psoriasis spots appart from the occasional itchy belly button but the pa is severe. the only way to diagnose is to rule out all others and to have a history of psoriasis in the family. i only have a minute family history of psoriasis. but my pa was bought on by trauma,and that is onother way to get pa. the pain and tiredness etc are severe

its nice to see others that have PA on this board. sometimes i feel all alone thinking i am the only one on here with this type of arthritis! GO PA PEOPLE!


you dont feel alone on this site. i have felt welcomed from the first post. i have  learnt so much also. things that docs dont tell you. i have just started on thyroid meds for hypothyroiditis. i thought it was something total separate from pa. the doc didnt say. but i have  found out on this site that lots of other pa and ra have it. is it the disease or the medication causing it ?

this site is the greatest, what i was trying to say was, that most people on this site have,RA. and that makes me feel alone in a way. I have gotten support from everyone,pa,ra,fibbro people. Its just nice to see many on here that have the same thing i do


yeh youre right when i first found out i had pa i had never heard of it before whereas every has heard of raGood to see the PAers sticking there hand up!
I'm another one that has no visible Psoriasis and only the pain and swelling side of PA.
