Woo-Hoo!! | Arthritis Information


Yesterday at 4pm, I got a call from a wierd number. Hmm. I USUALLY ignore numbers I don't know. But I picked up. It was UT Southwestern's scheduling office...(I had called Monday, and had an appointment for June 14th) Well, they had a cancellation, and could I be there at 9:45 tomorrow (today) morning?

Um, yeah! I mean, who wouldn't jump at that, right?

So, I had a great appointment. This Dr was MUCH more caring and compassionate. She also said that if I wasn't getting enough relief from the meds my pain management Dr is giving me, to call her (I have her PERSONAL cell phone #) and she would call them and authorize them to up the script.

So, she is NOT ruling out RA, because of family history and because of the presenting pain. My BP & pulse was high, AND I was running a temp. (99.9, WITH 1/2 a percocet AND 800mg of ibprofen in me!!)I also am "hyperflexible", and she would consider me double jointed (I've never heard that). She said it's rare, but athletes who are hyperflexible can have pain like this, ESPECIALLY after having a baby. However, it is also a sign that I am at risk for RA. Not to mention the family history. (most of the women on my dad's side have RA, and a few cousins have JRA)

So, her theory is...this is either a) the VERY beginning of RA, and we may not be able to diagnose it until I either get swelling, positive labs, or we see joint damage. or b) polyarthralgia from hyperflexibility. Which puts me at risk for RA at some point in my life. She is also thinking possible lupus because I bruise SO easy. She's discounting the link between Cymbalta and Ibprofen, because she said she's NEVER seen a patient on both of those with as many bruises as me!! (I have like 15 at the moment...I mean seriously, if I was to stand somewhere naked, I would look like someone's been beating me...which no, no one has!!) She's running another panel of bloodwork & urine, and I go back in 5wks to see her.

I told her that I feel strange already seeing my 3rd RD. She asked me why. I told her that the first one I saw, we had a HUGE difference of opinion. HUGE. (long story....I told her, and she was shocked). With the one who reffered me TO her, well he was at the end of his tricks to diagnose me and was just passing me off as a fibromyalia patient and to pain management. She thought THAT was totally unnacceptable. Especially considering that not a SINGLE one of the 18 "hot spots" to diagnose fibro bother me. NOt a single one. She's so confused as to why he's calling it fibro.

I also told her that he thinks it's all psycological too, and my PM people think it's post partum depression related (the pain). She them asked me how I felt on the upped doseage of Cymbalta. I was honest. I'm mentally, in a MUCH better place. I mean, I haven't snapped at my husband in a week. But my pain hasn't changed a bit. She said that if the Cymbalta helped my mood THAT quickly, that if this pain was all psycological and depression related, it would be going away, not staying the same. She's completely ruling that out.

She did however think that me keeping up with the PM people was a GOOD thing. SHe applauded me for making it happen so quickly, and was pretty upset my RD wouldn't do the refferal, just gave me the name & number of a PM clinic and said once I had an appointment he would have my records faxed. I told her they told me 3-4wks since it wasn't a Drs office doing it for me (they wouldn't budge....office policy), so I called my PCP whom I adore, and had an appointment for the next morning within 15 minutes. (she said hang on to that PCP, he sounds great) She said keep my appointment with the shrink, as she feels that ANYONE with prolonged pain like this needs to see one. Just for their overall well being. Plus for coping issues. BUt as far as this being depression related and psycological, she doesn't believe that at all. She said I had more patience and calm than ANY patient she's seen walk into her office with TWO kids under 3 (yes, I took the babies. lol) She was like "I can't believe you aren't more stressed!!!" I guess I'm so used to dragging them everywhere at this point.

SO, all in all, it was a good appointment. UT Southwestern is a NICE campus. WOW. Eowyn got SO much attention, she was in seventh heaven. I am instructed to bring both kids back on my next visit, they said I wasn't allowed to come without them. Not many people bring their kids, and mine were SO well-behaved, that they are welcome anytime. It was so cute. Eowyn HAD to show the Dr her "owie" from when she scraped her knee a couple weeks ago, and the Dr put a band-aid on it and kissed it for her!!! I fell in love with her then and there. Not to mention, Eowyn was sitting in HER chair, and the Dr brought in another chair, and was also showing Eowyn how to look in the microscope they had in there. I mean, how COOL is that?? The ONLY Dr I have who's ever played with the kids is my OB, and when I'm there, the kids get paraded around the office, and I don't see them until I leave. hahaha. My PCP always gived Eowyn candy & prizes too. But the Dr today and my OB are totally on the same wavelength with the kids. THe whole office staff had to come in and see them. Eowyn was picked up SO much, and twirled around.

I went down for labs, and Eowyn was paraded around the lab. They gave her a band-aid on her arm like mine, and glove baloons, AND her own set of gloves. They let her pick her colors. SHe picked one purple and one green. Plus I put her in her "Patience Tester" shirt, and so everyone was DYING over that!!!!!

I'll post some pics I took while we were there. The highlight of the visit, is the ER was one building over, so we saw the careflight fly by about 6 times. (Eowyn LOVES planes) It was all she could talk about the rest of the day.

Oh yes, Theoden was good too. He spent alot of time playing in front of the mirror. These exam rooms were HUGE. I've never been in one that big!! Bigger than the recovery room I was in after I had Theoden!! lol

Midge, good for you! I hope this doc. can get you on the road to recovery. sometimes the hardest part is the waiting for a diagnosis. when you finally get one than you can plan your life accordingly. miracles happen everyday you just had a little bit of one today


I am so glad your appointment went so well. Sounds like a great doctor and wonderful office. I'm really glad she blew the other doctors' opinions out of the water. It is not in your head, it's in your body. Maybe you'll get some help now. I'm really happy to hear it went so well.

My what a satisfying visit! and how grand that they loved your children, please keep us posted on your progress. Honestly, it so good to hear people praise their doctors. It takes all kinds and boy do we have all kinds of RA's. Thanks for sharing your amazing story,


Glad to hear it, Midge! I am happy you found a good RD. I guess 3rd time is a charm for you.


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