Supplements? | Arthritis Information


You all have probably talked this topic to death, but I'm new and thought I'd ask.

What supplements or vitamins have you found helpful? I read an article about 9 months ago saying that 1000 mg of Vitamin D & about the same of Calcium would help. I started that and haven't had a major flare since then even though I have been exercising more than I ever have in my life. Anyone found anything else really helpful?

I take massive doses of fish oil every day for inflammation, milk thistle to help my liver cope with mtx, probiotics to offset yeast in AP, and calcium when I remember just 'cause. By the way, this is a good opportunity to point out that calcium should not be taken at the same time as any meds. Medicines will bind to calcium making them less or ineffective, so you have to take calcium at least two hours from your other stuff. That's why I don't always remember to take it. I take probiotics too for stomach problems and i have been taking rose hip in a juice form for a little while as it helped my aunts RA when it came to inflammation.I will keep you posted on that one. I have to take an iron supplement as i have RA induced borderline anemia.What are probiotics? I bought yogurt the other day and it says "probiotic" on the container. I think it was Dannon Yogurt. Anyway, I take a multi vitamin and milk thistle to stave off any liver probs, and a folic acid in hopes that it will help my hair grow back from the Arava. I don't know that it is working though. Dr said eventually the hair will start to grow back. It's not noticeable (yet) to anyone but me and my hairdresser luckily.