Arthritis Information -New to RA?



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I'd sign up for Health Talk's new letter as well. The more you know early on the better off you'll be all the way around.

Monk, Sorry you got the diagnosis.  My diagnosis came after many years of suffering so in a way I welcomed having a name to my problem.  I can't say it's been easy.  I truly believed I'd take some Remicade and "get over it and on with my life."  The hardest thing for me has been that my life is different now and acceptance of that fact.    There are good days and bad days and it's taken me two years to get my meds "adjusted."    I am also seronegative but myself and others here don't believe we have a "light" case of RA.   I pray you have a wonderful Rheumy.  That is half the battle.  Get on the net and read everything you can about the disease.  The people on this message board have become my friends and have truly helped me through the low periods.  Sometimes depression comes with the diagnosis of chronic illness.  Do not hesitate to take anti depressive meds if you need it!!  As for trying to communicate your illness with family members, you can print out some infomation for them.  It is hard, however, for them to truly understand your illness and that is why the people on this message board can become a source of info and support for you as WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THOUGH!!  We have been thru everything you will go though and we understand.   Again welcome dear.  Check in with us on a regular basis and let us know how you are doing.  We truly care and will be here for you!!  Good luck! 

Well, yea! OMG! My insides are like jello. Went to RA doc for first app. today. All I can say, is, "sad, I'm sad, sad, sad." I'm freaked! I heard the words MTXbla, bla, bla, no more of your favorite wine, bla, bla, bla, prednizone(sp), will make you hungry,(I've been working my ass off to lose weight .), and your lifestyle, bla, bla, bla. I swear to God, about the third line of that metheltrexate #$%& and it's side effects, I heard a squeel in my ears.  All I heard was "Monica, you are sooo fu**ed!" I stopped listening and I went somewhere else. I felt like I was outside myself listening to someone else's problems. Since I've been home, I'm in shock, I went swimming for like three hours, (it's 105* here) and just floated. Probably the best thing I could have done. The thing is, is I don't know how to communicate to my family. They're duly(is that a word?) freaked out and don't know how to deal either. I know this is all new and I'll learn as I go, but how to deal between now and then is the big secret I need help with. Needed to vent, and I knew this is the place to come. Thanx for listening to me whine. Everyone come over and play. Have a good weekend all. Nite.


Hi Monk,

Glad you found this place too.  I am pretty new myself but not to RA.  I've had it for at least 8 years but was dx'd in 2000.  I didn't cry when they diagnosed me b/c I already knew for quite a while that something was wrong.  Just didn't know what.  I take MTX and it does work.  Come here with questions and find friendship as well. 

Being new to the site but not to the disease gives me some perspective to give newbies to RA. 

Hope you make a quick adjustment.  Take Care!!

Molly Bee

Monica; We all know how you feel. The first day I was diagnosised I left the offfice in tears. Sat in my car crying until I composed myself long enough to drive home.

11 years later I just accept it as part of who I am. Over time you'll find the right combination of medications and you'll live a fairly normal life.

Continue to come here. This is the best place for you right now. Everyone here has been where you are now and will understand far better than your current friends and family. Even those with the best intentions have no idea what all this means to us. Only others who deal with our daily struggles really understand.

We're here for you my friend. Don't give up.

One last thing; I take MTX & Humira. Don't be discouraged by all the things you read and hear. These medications do not effect everyone the same way. They have both been life savers for me...and I still have the occational glass of wine with my doctors blessings. Don't panic.


Thanks so much Lovie. So glad to have found this web site and so many good and caring people. Thank you again for the encouragement.


I've only been a member here myself since March Molly; but I feel like I've known these friends for years. For once I finally feel like I'm not alone and it has made all the difference at the way I look at myself and this disease.

I've had RA for 11 years...and also knew long before I went I had something like this; but there's just something about having a doctor stand in front of you and confirm it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. It can be really emotional at first and I so wish I would have had you guys to come home and talk to once I knew for certain that my life was going to be changed forever.



Hi Lovie,

Wow...I didn't notice you were "rather new" too...only since March.  You add so much to this board!  That's terrific!

When I was finally dx'd with RA the RD told me that he had good news and bad news.  The's RA..but the's seronegative so I should have a "mild" course with it.  Not so sure it's as mild as I had in particular is kind of tough with a lot of knuckle pain and wrist, knees, toes.  I did break down and take a couple of extra-strength Tylenol which has truly helped.  I'll have to check w/my doc and make sure he OK's these OTC meds for pain.

Have a painfree day....
