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I have not been on the computer for well over a week and I came on here as guest to check on those I care about.  Turns out I had several messages asking me about my well being.  I am so grateful for all the support I still get on this board.

The good news is that Brett leaving was the best thing that could have happened to me.  I had no idea the pressure I felt to get better - FOR HIM.  Without that pressure - I have gotten better - or maybe it is the spring gorgeous Oregon weather and all my flowers blooming.

I have really bonded with my careworker and not only do we keep the house beautiful - we also go out and play.

Like my doctor said yesterday -

For some people out of spite - I would like to post every detail of my last week and this morning

Again, thanks to all the wonderful friends I have on here that have been concerned about me.  I am really truly well.  I broke down and bought another camera, which I really can't afford, but I am learning to use it and I look forward to posting pics of my kitten, puppy, and gorgeous yard that looks just like an Oak and Pine woodland.  I have tons of trillium.  Gorgeous flowers.  I thank the previous owner in my heart regularly as a week does not go by that something new and surprisingly gorgeous pops up in my yard.

Brett is back to his mountain.  He says he made a mistake.  He sure did as I do not want him back.  He is pretty lonely and heartbroken but you know what - consequences, consequences, consequences.  I had no idea how well Kelsey and I could get along alone, keep the house clean and enjoy life.  It feels so good to be able to keep my meds next to my bed and not worry that my hubby will steal them.


Having said that, Brett is/was the love of my life and I only wish him the best.  I am trying to get my family to buy 1/4 of my house so I can keep it.  It is my little bit of heaven.  Love and well being to all - well most of you

Take Care.

Hey Roxy, it's great to hear how you're doing! And post as much detail as you like (everyone else does). Glad to see you here, Roxy!  Sounds like things are much better for you now...happy to know you're feeling better! Sounds like you are doing great and I am so glad to see that!!  You have great resolve and keep that up!!Roxy, really pleased to see you in here again, and great to know that you are doing so well.  Your garden sounds beautiful and it will be good to see your pictures.  Keep on keeping on - you ROCK!!! Hey Roxy, i am so glad to see you back on here.WE HAVE MISSED YOU.

Hey, Tara.  Survivor was GREAT last night.  Did you see it?

Right now I am forcing Kelsey to take responsibility.  I am not driving as I am uninsured and my caregiver gives me rides.  Kelsey wanted to go to skate park and I said I could not give her a ride as I am uninsured.  She called from skate park and said it was too scary crossing the overpass to skatepark and she would not walk back.  Tough love.  I hate it.  I told her you have to.  I cannot drive you back and I sure can't walk to meet her.  She was upset but what am I going to do.  I really do not drive uninsured and  Brett leaving financially hit me hard.  So am I wrong?  I just pray she gets home soon.  I didn't want her to go but she is an adult which she loves to assert.   Send her a prayer.  I love that girl.

Hi Roxy, so glad things are getting better for you. Your flowers sound beautiful. Spring has finally arrived here (IL) and all my flowers are coming up. Tulips in full bloom!!

It's good to get out and enjoy the sunshine!

all the best


Kelsey's walked home.  Lesson learned. 

I love tulips CinDee.  My caregiver gave me some when I got the stroke.  Now I can't wait til Fall to plant more.

Great news Roxy and so wonderful to hear how you are doing.  Don't worry about details.  Keeping them in is stressful, so you share all you want to.  That is what this board is for.   Good to hear from you!!! I am glad that you are doing so well. You have
had a tough few weeks but things definitely seem to be looking up!

BeckyHi Roxy - glad to hear things are working out well for you.   You have had a lot of stress to deal with and with
RA it is part of the territory but you sound like you are doing well so hope life keeps improving for you.
Kind wishes,Hi Roxy, great to see your name posting, I always head straight there as I am interested in how you are doing and it looks like all of us feel the same so don't you be going anywhere.  Regards Janie.  Keep up the great work!!!!  I am so glad to hear you are doing well.