Arriscowell- Katie | Arthritis Information


Liz- is katie ok.I havent seen her on here for  while and am concerned.The last i heard she had been to the drs.

"OH KATIE, WE MISS YOUR INPUT" Katie is doing well and her really bad shoulder is starting to loosen up.  The muscle relaxer makes her very very tired and she is just barely making it thru her day.  That should go away in about a week and a half or so and she will be back here being her normal self. 

I will for sure pass on that you all are thinking of her and wishing her well when I talk to her tonight.  She will greatly appreciate all of your well wishes and that you miss her.  I appreciate you asking about her too because she is so near and dear to my heart. 

yeah, I was wondering where she was. She is usually on Instant Messenger, but have not seen her in a couple of days.

Glad she is ok and it is just from adjusting to new meds.

I missed her too.


I too was wondering about Katie & miss her sense of humour.   Hope you are back here soon Katie.
Best wishes,Hiya Katie - feel better soon, and look forward to seeing you back.  The place just isn't the same without you!



I felt really bad that I haven't been around. The flexeril knocks me on my A**. LOL It's getting better - when I take my daytime 5mg, I don't doze off at work anymore.....and when I take my night time 10mg, I don't pass out as soon as it kicks in. Honestly, I've been enjoying my time. I've had very little pain and I've been cleaning and goofing off with Justin a lot. Plus, work has been KILLER busy. By the time I get home I just want a margarita....haha


I was worried that my shoulder was getting worse, because a lot of pain was coming through - but ya know, before the pain I didn't have any feeling. Now the pain has subsided and I'm just getting some....well....akward sensations. But I can move it all over :)


The mobic has finally taken over all the swelling - I've been swelling free for several days now - all times of the day! The down side to that - several of my fingers are crooked :( They weren't like that before!!!!

I go back on the 7th of May, I guess I'll ask her about it then.


I read some stuff on Flexeril - they say you shouldn't take it more than 3 weeks. Well. I guess I'm worried now, May 7th will be 3 weeks, and I have a feeling she'll stop the flexeril when she hears how good I've been doing. So my worry is that I'll just go right back to being miserable. :( Am I crazy??


I've started getting cold sores!!! I haven't had cold sores since I was ITTY BITTY. What sucks is that she asked me at my appt if I had any, and I said no. Cause I hadn't. Also, my mouth is WICKED dry - it's so bad. I'm wondering if it's all from the Flexeril?

Anyway - thanks for wondering about me!! Sorry I haven't posted more....I miss everyone!! I'm just trying to take advantage of the few awake-feel-good hours I have out of the day!!! Katie...I've been taking flexeril for about 7 years now...I take it everyday.  My doctor has never said anything about going off of it.  If the flexeril is making you feel better, why would your doctor take you off of it?oh...I forgot....I also get cold sores...have since I was a kid.  I didn't notice more since the flexeril though.  Maybe you got one since you've been feeling so rough...never know. Oh Katie, I started muscle relaxers on Wednsday and I haven't posted at all, but They help so much!!!!! I hope my body gets used to them, I am like a zombie!!!I wouldn't worry about the med. My mom has been taking it for years. If
it helps, you dr. should keep you on it.


Katie; I'm glad to hear you're doing some better.

I take flexiril often; but not on a regular schedule like you are. I take them as needed. I don't want to get so use to them that they don't totally relax me and make me sleepy. That's the whole point for me. After a long day of carrying this body around; that's exactly what I need.

Now when my back is horrible I'll take them around the clock for a few days....but I'm usually confined to bed at that point anyway.


I talked to Katie last night and she hopes to be doing better and back on the boards on a regular basis shortly.  She is trying to balance out when she is taking her meds so she isn't so whacked out tired at the end of the day.  Her Mobic has started working, but she is still not symptom free from the RA.  There has been an improvement tho. 

She has been super busy at work also.  Tis the season for tourists lol.  That in itself is enough to wipe anyone out...RA or not. 

I miss her on the boards too but also want her to be rested and well as soon as possible!

Fanks you mommie Liz.
Hey Katie: It Is So Good To Have You Back On The Board.  Since you're a veteran in dealing with RA you be sure and follow the advice you give everyone else - Pace Yourself Cuz Pay Back Can Be A B@#$%. - My interpretation of your sound advice!!

If you haven't had a problem with mouth sores it could possibly be from the Flexeril. When meds. become a problem for me mouth sores are usually the first indication the meds. are hard on me. By discontinuing them if possible works and if not an antacid tablet(s) take care of the problem.

Take Care Sweetie.
ive never heard or read that you should only take flexeril for up to 3 weeks.  Let us know what you find out about that. Cause i think ive taken it for more then 3 weeks by nowLMAO You're so right watchingwolf. I was thinking that on my drive home, too. I have tuesday and wednesday off work, and I don't plan on doing anything!!! That'll be a nice break :)

I think the "sores" are really just my lips cracking in the corners - my mouth is like a desert. Ick. I've been chugging water and using chap stick and I think I've "licked" them. Haha
Try some dry mouth stuff you can get at WalMart in the toothpaste section.  There is a whole line of Biotene products (I use the mouthwash cuz my dry mouth causes some dragon breath for me) and also Oasis products.  The spray from Oasis would be handy dandy to keep in your purse for work.  Glad to hear you are feeling better!!!! I have not taken flexeril but I take zanflex, which is similiar and I have taken it daily for about 1.5 years now. OMG I loved it when I was able to clean my house again myself.  It is mom clean and not teen clean!! teen clean a oxymoron?  Oh well....suffice it to say it was a confidence booster for me to do it on my own again. 