How much difference can a week make? | Arthritis Information


All right....for all the "bragging" I've been doing about how well I've been doing on MTX & Humira, I now have to discontinue my medicine until this thing in my chest/head clears up. (I've had it for close to two weeks now)

I went to the doctor today and only saw the PA since my regular GP was out of the office today. She said it's the beginning of an infection and prescribed me an antibiotic. I just got off the phone with my RD's nurse and she said my RD wants me off the MTX & Humira until this is cleared up....hopefully in another week.

I'm worried guys. I hate to feel so dependent on these meds; but by Fridays I feel everything stirring up...Saturdays dose always calms it down, but without my weekly dose how am I going to do?

I guess it's good that I do this now though and not in two weeks from now when I'm supposed to leave for vacation right?

Ok...being a baby, I know....but I rarely whin to you guys figured it was my turn!!

Keep your fingers crossed for me.


What are you going to take to help releave pain & stiffness if you cannot take your regular meds?

You will make it thru...I just know it! And yes, it is better now then while on vacation. Hope I all goes well Lovie.

Hey Lovie.  Now you are sounding like me.  Worrying before it happens..:  )  Pace yourself, can you take some time off?  Remember, worrying only makes things worse.  Use this as an excuse to baby yourself and get in that vacation mode.  I will be thinking of you.  Sending you that FEEL GOOD VIBE............

I'm sorry this has happened.  Try not to worry too much, I hope it clears up quickly so you can get back on your meds.  I would guess after having been on them for so long they should pick up where they left off quickly.  Roxy's right maybe best to get some time off so you can get the rest you need to get better. Karen's heating pad and hot tottie sound like a good idea too

Keep that vacation in your mind's eye and you'll be on the mend in no time.

Fingers are crossed and lots of love and prayers are headed your way!!


Been thinking about you alot today and hoping you're doing okay.

                                   How are you ??


Thanks guys. I've just finished up the last of 4 games of my daughters softball tournament...and it was hot!! But I love watching her play.

Hoping to get some rest now for the next couple days. All your friendship and support means so much to me. You all mean so much to me. Thank you.

Sending special prayers to all our friends in harms way in Florida...especially Unicorn and Tbird who are both vacationing there. Please be safe.

Talk to you all soon.


Hi Lovie,

 Good to hear that you are doing okay off your medications.  Hope that your chest and lungs are much better now.  Get that well-deserved rest and get ready for a wonderful vacation!


Hey Hey Lovie,

I wish you a speedy recovery. And don't worry too much about being off your meds for a week or so, if need be just relax during that time and you will be back on meds in no time and feeling great again. *hugs* Get Well Soon!!!!!!!

Well I just talked to my doctor and he said absolutly no Humira or MTX until I've taken all of my antibiotic and all signs of infection is gone.

I've got three more days on my amoxicillin and he said if the coughs not gone by then I need to go back to my GP and have it checked out. I am starting to cough stuff up now though. Before it was just kind of dry and aggrevating. Do you think that's a good sign or not?

I do have a weird headache this afternoon though. Not sure what that's about.

Keep your fingers crossed for me. We leave for Mexico next Thursday. I'm been so afraid I'd ruin our trip with my wacky health problems...but at this point it looks like Hurricane Emily may cause us more trouble.


Your RA meds are probably still in your body and keeping the inflammation at bay.   Hope your feeling better soon.   Yea, may have to pospone your trip to Mexico....UGG!  Sure seems like hurricanes are early this year.  I Live in Baytown, Texas and looks like we may see the dirty side of the storm ourselves.Coughing up stuff is good, it means your body is expectorating the phlegm.
It'll mean that your lungs'll clear and there'll be nothing for the infection to
sit on. Glad you're feeling good Lovie!