Beware of hidden Caffeine in foods and dr | Arthritis Information


Hi all, Decafe coffee has 5 mgs of caffeine, chocolate sauce, cola drinks, a lot of sodas are loaded with caffeine. Please call up the web site to find out the amounts of caffeine in foods and drinks.

The Food and Drug rules do not require manufacturers to say they have added caffeine or how much!! So, we can be getting a lot of mg's without knowing it.

I have had an irregular heart beat, palpitations and 'pounding out of my chest"  (I drank decafe & ate chocolate), because of a resent heart operation I thought it was because of that, but today my husband's heart was skipping a beat and palpitating after drinking decafe. (I have a stethoscope so I can really hear

I'm giving up coffee and chocolate, this really hurts!


Is he ok now? I hope so. The chocolate part would be  hard for me. I know some people are very sensitive to caffeine. I cant believe that they dont have to label it.  Thanks Sarah - I drink decaf coffee but am a chocolate addict so I will have to give up my evil addiction, RA
is so cruel. Was told we RA types want chocolate for the quick energy boost from the fatigue, dont know if that's true but that is my excuse. I drink tea mostly but that can also be quite high in caffeine, although I have it weak & with milk but I love my cup of tea in the morning.   Wine is prob. caffeine free - could we have that for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!These new energy drinks, are loaded with so much caffine that it is unreal!!!it's not the caffeine in those energy drinks/soda thats the real's the simple carbs...that is the true evil in those nasty drinks.

Hi Thinkthin, he's not happy about it and it is still pounding.


He should get his blood pressue checked - sometimes that is a sign of high blood pressure.  Been there, done that, got the souvenoir meds to prove it! Hillhoney39192.8696412037